- = + = - T h i r t e e n - = + = -

460 17 11

-=+=- Jordan's POV-=+=-

Will and I walk into the lunch room and gather our lunch. I look at our table and Mark and his gang are sitting in our spots. I go in front of Will and sit on the opposite end of the table on the other side. Will sits next to me. We both start eating when Mark goes next to Will and Marks gang goes by me. "Hey Willy! Ready to fight?" Will looks terrified, shaking his head. "I never said I would." Mark laughs. "Come on whimp." Mark stands up. I tense. No. The whole lunch rooms attention lands on our table. One person starts to chant "Fight! Fight! Fight!" People catch on and start chanting also. I was about to get up when Mark whistles. His gang holds me and stands me up. I struggle but its no use.

Mark walks up to me and punches me in the gut. I grunt in pain."PLEASE DONT HURT HIM!!! HURT ME!" Mark listens and walks twords Will. "Okay but you have to fight back." I stand in shock. Will say no! "Fine." My heart sinks. Is he strong enough to take on Mark? I watch in silence as Mark and Will go at it. Will gets struck and he now has a bloody nose. Will was on the ground, but gets up. I sigh in relief. I dont think im breathing right. Will does ninjas stuff ans the next thing you know, Marks on the ground and its silent. Will wipes his nose and looks around, I also take a glance and everyone is shocked. What happened next surprised me. Everyone started chanting "Will! Will!" Mark gets up and runs away and his gang releases me.I run over to Will and hug him. Im so fucking glad hes okay.

"Lets get you to the bathroom to clean up." He nods and we head to the bathrooms. I grab a paper towel and get it wet. I bring it to his nose slowly as he flinches. I nod and wipe away the blood. His nose is swollen. "Great job." I say. He smiles. "Thanks. I never knew I had that in me." I laugh. I finish up his nose and throw away the trash.

They rest of the day, everyone smiles and gives Will high fives. After school, I find Will. I pull him into a kiss, him kissing back. "Please be careful. I dont want to have you get hurt anymore than you are." He nods and we kiss again and separate paths.

-=+=-Will's POV-=+=-

I sigh and direct my mom to the couch. She looks at me with concern. "I got into a fight. But I won." She smiles a little. "Are you okay?" I smile. "Yeah. Jordan took care of me." "Your back together?" I nod. "He apologized. Thats why I was away from home." She nods. "Well did you put any ice on your nose?" I shake my head. She gets up, but returns moments later carrying an ice pack. "Thank you!" She nods. 

"Hey mom." My mom looks over at me and smiles. "Yes?" "Im taking a medication other than my anti- depressants. Its for paranoid schizophrenic. Its where I see and hear things." She nods. "Well I hopes its not severe. My brother use to have that and killed himself because of a figure he saw." I nod. "Its not bad. The first day I saw people, I went to the therapist." She nods. "Just dont listen to the figures." I nod. "I wont." She smiles.

The rest of the day was me and my mom catching up. It was nice to have an actual conversation with her because I havent been able to do that for a while. My mom made tea and its our favorite flavor from when I was little. Im glad my dad is gone. He makes my life miserable, but I think this episode of depression is over. It will come back eventually, but I hope not for a long time. Its nice to be happy. 

"Do you want to go shopping tomorrow after I get home from school?" I ask my mom. I have a little bit of money and I want to buy my mom something, along with Jordan. "Sure sweetie! Sounds fun!" I smile. "Well im going to work on my homework that I have to finish. Then heading to bed." She smiles. "Okay sweetie. Sleep well." I smile and leave to my bedroom. I quickly finish my homework and hop into my pajamas. I slip in bed and fall asleep.

I wake up and jump into the shower. I get dressed and do my morning stuff. I grab my bag and head downstairs. I was greeted by my mom making breakfast. "Morning mom." I say, kissing her cheek. "Morning hun. Eat up." I dig into breakfast. I finish and say goodbye. I grab my penny board and ride off to school. I go to my locker and place the stuff I dont need in there and take the stuff I need. I close my locker and turn around to be greeted by a pair of lips. I look up to see Ryan. I push him off. "Get away from me Ryan." He smirks. He pins me against the wall. I look to my right and see Jordan. He starts to run up to me. Ryan turns my head and kisses me again, pushing my head against the wall. I whimper.

I feel his lips off mine and see Jordan tackling Ryan. I gasp. Jordan saved me. I hold my head, but go over to Jordan. I pull him up to me. "Leave him alone. Hes not worth it." He nods, glaring at Ryan. I pull his head twords mine and kiss him. I feel him relax and kiss back. I smile and we walk to class. Surprisingly, I havent seen Mark. Maybe to embarrassed to show his face. I sit next to Katie and hug her. She hugs back. "Oh my gosh Will! That was amazing on what you did yesterday! People video taped it and make swag remixes." She has so much pump. I laugh. "Well thats cool that people made remixes." She laughs. I look at Jordan and hes smiling. I smile at him. "Im so proud of my baby." I blush. The classes go on and I hand in my late project. I smile when I get an A on my project. Thanks to Jordan. Ill have to tell him tomorrow. I finish up the school day and penny board home to my mum. I forgot to tell Jordan but ill tell him tomorrow also.

I walk through the door and im greeted by my mom. "Ready to go?" She asks me. I nod. I follow her out to her car. We drive our way to the mall. I get out jumping around. Its been forever since ive been to the mall. My mom laughs at me and we walk in. "Where to?" She asks me. "Where do you want to go?" She shrugs. "I will buy you something so pick a store and pick something out." "Will-" "No im paying you back for taking care of me. I love you and I want to get you something!" She smiles. "Im not winning this am I?" I shake my head. "Nope." I say popping the P.

We go into a couple of stores until she finds a nice purse. "What do you think?" She asks modeling the purse on herself. "Amazing." She smiles. "Are you sure you want to buy something." I nod. We go to the counter and I pay for her purse. "Im going to head into the tee shirt maker. Want to come with me?" She nods. We walk into the tee shirt maker and I look around. I got to the front desk. "What can I help you with?""I would like to make two personal shirts." He nods. "What size?" I look at my size. "Two mediums." He nods. "And what would you like them to say?" I sigh. "I want on the front of one, 'Jordan, My Savior.'" He nods. "And on the back I want it to say:

Thank you soooo much for being my savior. I may be a little unsteady but I love you sooo much." He nods. "And on the other one?" "I want the front one to say "Jordans bae." He nods. "Okay! They will be ready in about 20 minutes." I nod. "Thank you." And we leave the shop and head to the food court. "So how are you going to give Jordan the shirts?" My mom asks me. "Can we stop there on the way home?" She nods. "Go ahead and order what you want." She nods and orders a drink and a hot dog. I get the same. We enjoy our meals and we head to the tee shirt shop. We pick them up and there amazing.

We leave the mall and head to Jordans. We finally arrive and im nervous. "What if he doesnt like them?" She smiles. "Im sure he will love it." She reassures me. I get out the car and my mom follows. I knock at the door and Jordans mom answers. "Hey Will! Good to see you again!" I smile. "You to. Jordan home?" She nods. "Hold on. JORDAN!!" "WHAT?!" I laugh. "WILLS HERE!!!" I suddenly hear running footsteps and Jordan appears. "Hey Will." Jordan pulls me into a hug. "You didnt say goodbye to me today." I laugh. "Sorry I was anxious to make these." I pull out the tee shirt and hand it to Jordan. He reads it and smiles from ear to ear. "I love it Will. And I love you." He pulls me into and kiss. I kiss back, our lips moving in sync. "AWWWW." Both of our moms say in sync. We pull away, both blushing a crimson color. 

Hey guys so this is a non well writen chapter!! Im so sorry its bad!!!! Any ways, I started a youtube channel call Drpeppergirl 321 and It has a Q&A that I have been working on. Thats why this is so late. 

ALSO THANK YOU ALL FOR 1 FUCKING K!!!! OMFG!!! I will have a contest or something coming up. Maybe I will do a Q&A And post it on YouTube?!?!? Yay Nay?!? Let me know if I should or give me stuff to do for 1k!! Once again thank you all!!

Vote if you enjoyed!

Comment some feedback! Will be takin into consideration!!



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