- = + = - Two - = + = -

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-=+=-Jordan's POV-=+=-

I sit in my seat at maths. Im joined by my 'best friends' Who I'm only friends with them so I can be popular. "Hey Jordan, we just beat up the new kid in the hallway! He is such a whimp, he cringed even before I hit him." Thats Mark, the leader of the group, known as the asshole. "Yeah thats funny." I fake laugh. "Class please take your seats." Yay! Another fucking day in hell.

During Mrs. Matthews teaching, a shy skinny looking boy walks in. Everyone looks up at him and starts to quietly whisper and laugh about him. "And there the fag is," Mark whispered to me. I didn't react. Not to mention, he is kind of cute. His soft brown hair falling perfectly across his forehead. I couldn't help the shy smile that formed on my lips. "Come on in William." The teacher was smirking. William. Cute. The small boy slowly walked to the front of the class, holding his binder close to his chest as if it protects him. "My names Will." He says hushed correcting her. I couldnt hear clearly, but he sounded like he has a British accent. "Well Will tell us a little bit about yourself," The teacher said still smirking.

"Well I moved from England, I like t-to penny b-board. And thats all, theres not to much to know to me." The room goes silent until a kid in the front speaks. "Whats that?" He asked pointing to Wills arm. I look to only get a glimpse of a bruise before he covered it up. "Its from penny boarding." His eyes wonder to the floor, avoiding any eye contact. "I think hes lying," I whisper to Mark. "Yeah he probably got a hickey from his boyfriend," Mark whispers back, chuckling a bit. I sit tall in my seat. I feel bad for Will, he probably doesnt have any friends. Well of course he doesn't Jordan! Hes fucking new and everyone is picking on him!

I see everyone in the class start making paper balls. "Okay William, you can sit wherever you want." He frowns. "Its Will." Will walks to the way back in the corner. As soon as the teacher goes back to teaching, everyone pelts Will with paper. I look closely to Will. He has tears brimming his eyes. Mrs. Matthews just stands and laughs. She even throws some herself. "Come on Jordan why arent you joining on the fun?" Mark asks. "Because im not a bully like you." I say glaring at him. He glared back, angry flashing in his eyes as he burned a hole through my eyes. Just as Mark was about to hit me, the bell rang. I rushed out the door after Will. I wasnt the only one running out. I got toppled on by everyone pelting Will with more paper balls as he runs down the hallway.

When the hallway clears, I pick my stuff that scattered the hallways and quickly ran to my next class.




I sit in my normal spot at the lunch table. I apologized to Mark but he didnt accept. I guess standing up to him isn't the best for my reputation. I sat at the same table just a different seat next to other poplar's I didn't seem interested in. I look over to the garbagecan because of the awkwardness thats all around, and find Will. He walks away from a filled table and throws out his lunch. I get up and follow him, ignoring all the comments I got for getting up. He goes into the bathroom and I follow. He goes into a stall and I follow closely. I go by the sinks where im not visible. I hear a breath and then silence.

After about 20 minutes of standing there, the toilet flushes, my eyes widening as I quickly run out of the bathroom and to my locker. I gather the needed materials for Ela and head to the most boring class in the school.

I get in and Will has already beat me there. But how?

Why am I always thinking about Will?

Yes hes new and I feel bad, but he is pretty cute, his accent and his shyness just makes you melt by itself. He is just so perfect. I don't know how people can just be mean to him.

"Okay class, since we have a new student, and going on with our new unit, everyone will write a picture, quote, song, or poem you like. So get on it. It will be due in 15 minutes and we will present the rest of the hour." The teachers eyes dart to me, knowing I tend to get off target often.

I scribble on the paper from my notebook, writing down small ideas of what to write. My heart skips as I think of art. I quickly write down a decent quote. People went up and read their boring poems and quotes. I smile once its my turn. I go up and read my poem.

Art is not what you see,

but what you make others see.

Short but sweet. I couldn't help looking at Will the whole time. Hes dazed in another world looking at the outside world. I get done and everyone claps. Will snaps out of his daze as he was called up last. He stands up and goes to the front. He takes a deep breath as he fiddles with his paper.

You Dont Know:

What I've been through,

The childhood I've had,

How much I hate myself,

What I do to myself when im alone,

How much I want to give up,

How much my heart hurts,

How much I cry.

Will finishes and goes back to his seat. I keep replaying the words over and over again in my head. So he has had a rough past. I really wish I could help him, but I barley even know him. Maybe I should at least try to talk to him. But if I do, I will loose my reputation. Is it really worth after 3 years of getting to this spot? Who knows.

I go to my next, but last class. We have an assignment that will be assigned tomorrow. With partners. Not sure if picked or picking for yourself. But I'm curious to see if I get paired with Will. Maybe that's how I will learn more about him.

I go home to find no one home as the per usual. Im always the first one home. I go up to my room. I lay on my bed starring at the ceiling, replaying what Will said in his quote or poem thing. I wonder what hes been through, the childhood hes had, how much he hates himself, what he does to himself when hes alone, how much he wants to give up, how much his heart hurts, and how much he crys. Im going to try and be his friend and make his frown at least perk up a little. While thinking, I hear the front door open and close. "Jordan im home!" My mothers voice boomed sweetly.

I rush down the stairs, running into her at the bottom of the stairs.. "Mom, can I ask you something?" I ask out of breath. "Sure honey, anything." I breathe. "Okay. So there is this new kid and hes being bullied and I really want to be his friend but I dont know how to approach him. I am really confused." She smiles sympathetically. "Well its nice that you want to be his friend. Just go up to him at lunch and ask him if he wants to be friends or ask him how his day is or even brighten his day!" "Thanks mom." I say and kiss her cheek. I go upstairs and jump in the shower. I stand in the warm water and lather myself with a bunch of soap. Its relaxing to get off the stress today. I get out and dress myself and head to bed.

Hey guys! Welcome to chapter 2! Its actually like almost 12:30 and im tired.  Anyways ill see you Saturday for the next chappie I believe so peace.

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Goodbye my Drpeppers!



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