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-=+=- Jordan's POV-=+=-

We were in our last class, and Will did not look happy with the new student. He kept looking at him and looking at me, then away. I caught the new kid, whos name is Ryan, smirking at Will. Did they know each other? Is this 'Ryan' hitting on my boyfriend? The teacher paired us up and I was stuck with Mark. The last two names are called, its Ryan and Will. Will looked at the teacher, then to Ryan, who was once again smirking, and he looked worried. His eyes wander and his brown eyes meet mine. I gave him a sympathetic look he just nods and looks down.

"You can talk to your partners or with anyone." Will came straight to me and asked me, "Can you come to my house after school?" I smile slightly. "Yeah, but can it be later? I have to at least work with Mark to." "Yeah just make sure to be there," He says, looking around a bit. "Is everything okay?" I ask concerned. Hes not acting like himself. He looks at me deeply. "Yeah. Every things perfect with you." I smile, a slight blush appearing on my face. Will smiled, but I could tell it was fake. Somethings bothering him. He leaves me and walks slowly over to Ryan.

I cant really hear what they are saying, but I flush with jealousy when Ryan pinches Wills cheeks. Will pushes his hands off, they continue talking. The bell rings and I grab my things, heading to my locker and packing my things quickly I walk to Wills locker and see Ryan with him. I get to them and pull Will into a big hug. He hesitantly hugs back and I kiss his cheek. I smirk when Ryan sends me a glare. "See ya later," Will says quietly, once again faking his smile."Bye."

I head over to Marks locker and wait for him without a word. He gives me a dirty look and we take off to my house. It was quiet the whole walk as well, our feet shuffling as we get to my house. We are working on the project and I'm almost half way done. Mark has done shit and has been on his phone the whole time. I call it a day since its due in two days. Mark leaves and we havent once talked. I walk out with him and head to Wills house.

I knock on the door and his mum answers. "Hi! What can I help you with?" I smile. "Im here for Will. He wanted me to stop by." His mum practically squeals with happiness. "Are you two, ya know. Together?" She was bottling up her excitement. "Yes," I reply and she smiles. "Hes up in his room. Ill show you the way." I nod and she walks me to the room. I knock on the door, and I dont hear a reply. I knocked again. "Will?" Still no answer. The door was locked so his mum went and got the key to his bedroom door. She unlocks it and opens the door. We both gasp. Ryan is on top of Will and their... Having sex?!? "Jordan help," Will squeaked out. Ryan stops thrusting into Will. "Why are you asking for help baby? You were the one who wanted to do this." I started to feel my jelousy and anger rise at once. "WILL HOW COULD YOU?!?! I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU, BUT I GUESS NOT! WERE THROUGH!" I turn around and run out the door. Before I could go I heard Will yell "JORDAN WAIT!" But I was gone. I ran home and put my head in my pillow.

God how stupid of me!!! I should have let Will explain. He was acting strange today. God im so awful. I guess I have those trust issues because of a past relationship I had. I feel that I cant trust Will and I feel bad that im like this because Will needs the help. Ill talk to him tomorrow. God damn I feel bad.

(Trigger warning: Bad things about to happen.)

-=+=-Will's POV-=+=-

I get out of me bed, still crying, and get dressed in sweats and a black jumper. I looked like shit. I sigh and go to my bathroom, grabbing my one and only friend in this world and jumping out my window. I walk to the closets cliff. I sit on the edge and leg my legs swing off the edge, looking down at the dirty water. This is it. I take out my blade and roll up my sleeves. Just think. It will all be over soon. The pain, the heartbreak, the bad memories, the depression. Everything.

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