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-=+=-Will's POV-=+=-

I wake up to my alarm clock going off. I get up and get out of bed. I go to my dresser. I pull out a short sleeve shirt and slip it on, along with some skinny jeans and converse. I grab a sweatshirt and pull it on over, hiding my bandages. My mom walks into my room. She has my medication and some water. "Dont forget to take your meds." I nod and take them quickly. My mum leaves and I do all of my morning tasks. I grab my bag and to the kitchen. My dad is asleep on the couch and the smell of cigarettes and alcohol are back. I cringe at the smell. "Hey mum." I say quietly. "Hey sweetie. Heres a granola bar and your lunch." I take it from her and put the lunch in my backpack. "Thanks mum." She smiles. "Your welcome. Now be good today. I want you to eat and I want you to be focused even though that all happened. Hang out with Katie. She seems nice." I nod. "Ill be good. Bye mum." She kisses my cheek and I go out the door.

I open up my granola bar and eat it on my way. I walk into school and all eyes are on me. I keep my head down and walk to my locker. I shove the wrapper in my locker and put everything I dont need in there. I walk to my first hour and I see Katie. I go over to her and I sit next to her. "Will! Your here!" She hugs me and I hug back. "Yeah. Its not that easy being back. Everyone is starring at me." She frowns. "Just ignore them and hang with me. How about at lunch we meet out back and talk?" I nod. "Sounds fun." I look around and meet eyes with Jordan. He has tears in them. Is her jelious that im hanging out with Katie? Well hes the one who broke up with me. Hes part of the problem that I tried to kill myself.

 I look away from him looking emotionless. I dont even want to look at the negatives right now. Wow. That medicine is kicking in quickly. The class starts and when the teacher is teaching, all eyes are on me. I just ignore them like Katie said. I kept getting glares and insults thrown at me in the hallways. I still just ignore them.

It was lunch time and Katie came to my locker as I was putting stuff away. "Ready?" She asks. "Ready." I replied. We walk out the door and went to the bleachers by the football field. It was quiet until she spoke up. "You dont have to answer this but, why did you try to commit suicide?" I sigh. "Ive had a ruff past. My dad beats me and my family and I starve my self. I came to this school hoping to get away from the bullies I had from my other school, but people still hurt me. I met Jordan and he was nothing but nice. He helped me through alot. I cut myself and he made me promise to eat and not cut. Then we got together yesterday. Yes im gay. Yesterday my ex boyfriend came to this school. We got paired into partners and he came to my house and he.....he... he raped me." She gasps. "Oh Will." She hugs me. "Thats not all. Jordan walked in on it and believe him not me. I lost the only person that cared about me, so all of this is why I cut myself deeply and tried to commit." She hugged me tightly and I cried harder. "Well I never want you to die Will. Your amazing." I smile. "Thanks Katie."

The rest of the week was the same thing. People glaring and throwing insults at me. Katie and me have got to know each other better and I love her soo much, in a sister way. Its the weekend and I have avoided my dad all week. I have been clean the whole week and I kind of miss it , but Katie told me to promise I wouldnt do it again.

I decided to not take my depression pills anymore. Yes they help but I dont like it anymore. Everyday when my mom gives them to me, I wait until shes gone and I put them in my bathroom. Its Saturday and im sitting in my room. I keep thinking until I hear loud footsteps come close to my room. My door swings open and there stands my dad.

-=+=-Jordan's POV-=+=-

I still feel bad for what I did to Will. He hasnt been acting himself since that day. He has been hanging with a girl recently and it makes me jelious. But Will is gay. He likes me, well I still think so. I just got caught up in the moment. I sigh and lay on my bed. I decided to go to Wills house. I get up and walk over to his house.

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