- = + = - F i f t e e n - = + = -

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-=+=- Will's POV-=+=-

White. All I can see is white. Every once and a while I see a light but every time I get close, it goes away. I feel trapped. I feel pain. I hate this. It feels like its been forever since I have been in this white box. I see the light again. I start to walk to it, every inch of my body aching with every step.I finally make it to the light but it goes away again. Fml.

I take a seat on the plain floors and put my head in my hands. I suddenly hear a voice. "Oh my poor baby!" That voice sounds familiar. My mum. I look up and I still see nothing but the white walls. I hear sniffles, and a male voice. Jordan. "It will be okay. The beating wasnt hard enough to kill him." I start to run around on the white floors and I run into a wall. I start pounding on it. I scream at the top of my lungs. I fall to the floor, out of breath. I start crying. I cant do anything. 

-=+=- Jordan's POV-=+=-

Wills heart monitor is acting crazy. It was fast then slow. He whimpers every so often. He twitches and it scared me. The doctor said hes never seen something like that. Katie and I were comforting his mom. She was a mess, every so often saying "This is my fault." Or "Why him?!" It crushed me to see his mom like this. I look at Will and his eyes move behind his eyelids. I gasp and call the nurse. "Whats the problem?" "His eye lids are moving." She nods and goes to Will. She removes the anesthesia. I go to Will and grab his hand. "Your going to be okay Will." He squeezes my hand. I smile. "I love you." I know he cant respond, but I would know his response.

It was about another half an hour until Wills eyes opened. He smiles weakly. "Hey." I whisper, the biggest smile planting itself on my face. "Hey." His voice is hoarse. "What happened?" I sigh. "Ill tell you later. You need to rest though, you have stitches in your head so you might get a head ache." He frowns. "Mark really got that much on me didnt he." I nod. "You almost had a broken rib to." He nods. "Will you lay with me?" I look at the nurse from earlier. She nods. "Just be careful." I nod and lift the sheets. I lay next to Will and put my arm around him, him snuggling into my chest. Katie and his mom smile. Soon enough, Wills breathing slowed and he fell asleep.

Wills mom and I stayed with Will. Katie left because she needed to go to school in the morning and im sure she would keep visiting. "Want anything to eat?" Wills mom asked me. "Sure." I pull out my wallet and start to take out money, when Wills mom stops me. "No need to. As much as you've done for Will, let me buy you lunch." I nod and sigh, knowing im not going to win this fight. She leaves and Will is still asleep. I look at him. Hes so adorable when he sleeps. He looks like a kitten. I giggle at that thought. Will opens his eyes and smiles. "What?" His voice making me melt. "You. You look like a kitten when you sleep." He blushed and buries his head deeper into my chest, watching his stitches.

Wills mom returns and hands me a coffee and a bagel. "Thank you." She smile and nods. "I also got this for Will." She walked over to Wills side and placed it on his tray. He smiles. "Thanks mum." She smiles. "No problem honey." I eat my bagel slowly and share some with Will. I take a sip of my coffee and sigh. Its been a while since I have had coffee this good. 

Will was asleep and his mom looked exhausted. "Hey, why dont you go home and get some sleep. I can watch over Will." "Really?" I nod. "Thank you." I nod and she leaves. I finally lay back and fall asleep with Will.

Hey guys so its shorter today!! Its mainly just a filler type chapter. Anyways, I have a new story idea. Its going to be Kiani unless you guys want another ship, but Kiani is my fav ship so.

It will be depressing, but it will turn happy. Let me know if you guys want another Kiani story after this story or my other one!

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