"Order for Ashlynn" a familiar voice said. Looking up I found myself starting at none other that Tegan holding out a vanilla bean frappé. Standing next to her was Blake, holding a yellow rose in his hands.

Handing me both the drink and the flower I once again read the note attached.

Best friends make the good times better and the hard times easier.
We all need a best friend, someone who always has out back. And you have an entire family of them.
Drink up, you have a long day of class ahead of you.
Study hard.

Taking a sip of my drink the five of us walked back out to the limo. Tegan of course couldn't stop smiling. Obviously this was the reason why she woke me up, and why she was acting so strangely this morning.

When we arrived at the school I was the first out of the car and was already running towards the front doors. To my surprise they were unlocked.

Walking inside I immediately headed in the direction of my locker. Just as I expected there stood Zander with a lavender rose one that was just as beautiful as the others.

Remember how far you have come, not how far you have to go. You may not be where you want to be but neither are you where you used to be.
Life is about moving forward, but sometimes you need a little push to get you going again. I'm willing to give you that push. Heck I would carry you through all your troubles if I could, but I can't. All I can do is stand by your side. And I'm willing to do that if you allow me too.
Speaking of someone pushing you.
How about some swings.

Giving everyone a hug as a silent thank you. We all headed towards the park. Again deciding not to take the limo we set off on foot.

When we arrived Jase was sitting on the swing looking rather bored, but when he saw us he jumped up and ran over to us.

"Thank God, I thought you were going to forget about me" he said with a sigh of relief while everyone laughed at him.

"Oh yes this is for you" with that he handed me an orange rose.

Every flower must grow through dirt.
You have had to grow through a lot of dirt to get here today. But I must say, you are the most beautiful flower I have ever seen.
Movie time, don't forget the popcorn.

Hopping back into the limo, that was now getting a little crowded. We headed to the place that honestly has the best popcorn. The movies.

When we got to the theater I was surprised to find no one out front. How were we supposed to get into the theater without tickets.

That didn't seem to be a problem for Derrick. He just walked in, with all of us following behind. And there sat Tate. On the candy counter I might add with a peach colored rose, in his mouth.

'What are you going get off the counter you idiot' I quickly wrote on my white board. He just laughed and handed me the rose.

Blood doesn't always mean family, family are the people in your life that want you in there's.
I want you in my life more than you can imagine. And I pray everyday that you want me in yours.
Come on it's time to go home.

With that we all piled into the car. And I headed home with my family.

When we pulled into the drive way we all made sure to thank the driver before we went inside. Standing in the foyer was Ember and Connor. A burgundy rose was in Embers hand.

"Come here baby girl." Ember said holding her arms out for me. Being the emotional wreck that I was today I practically ran into her arms.

"Oh come on wipe those tears. There is still another surprise." With that she handed me the rose.

I just want you that's all. All your flaws, mistakes, smiles, giggles, jokes, sarcasm, everything, I just want you.
Love isn't finding the perfect person, it's finding the imperfect person that is perfect for you.
There is only one stop left.

As soon as I finished reading the note something covered my eyes.

"It's a surprise, but it is totally worth it." Connor said as he lead me up the stairs.



Two updates in one day. I felt bad for taking so long so here it is. What do you think the sunrise is going to be. Sorry about the cliffhanger, but not really.

Question: What is your favorite quote?  And why is it your favorite?

I might use them later in the story. Comment with your thoughts.




Live life,


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