It's over. Liam

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They looked happy. He looked happy. They loved each other, I could see it in their eyes. He never looked at me that way.


I was in the kitchen when Liam came home ffrom work, "Y/N I need to talk to you can you please come in here."

I came like he asked, "Hey Liam," I said then I tried to give him a small kiss but he turned his head so that I caught his check instead. Suddenly this feels like this won't be good. "What's wrong?"

"I do love you, I really do. But I met someone else." He said avoiding my face.

Of all I wanted to ask I was speechless finally I choked, "What?" out.

He looked pained that he had to say it again, "I met someone else." He said with his finally settleing on the ground.

It's over, "Who is she? How did this happen?" Then I quietly asked, "Do you love her?"

It looked to me that he was more hurt that I was not yelling, "Her name is Carrie. We have been friends for a long time and one day I realised that I love her, then when I talked to her about it we decided that we won't start dating till I was single. I really love her but I love you too." he had tears in eyes.

"As long as you love her." I said then I left to my room. Liam was not the only one who had to cry.

The next morning there was no Liam but his stuff was still here. There was also a note on the door.

Y/N I'll be back tommorrow to get my stuff. Liam

Flashback 2 hours ago ~

She came with him. I'm not surprised no girl wants her man left alone with another girl let alone his ex that he also loved.

"Hi I'm Carrie." she said coming in. 

As much as I wanted to be mad I couldn't this was not her fault, "Hi it's nice to meet you." I said with a smile.

"Sorry I came it's just that your his ex and all." she said with a amall smile herself.

"No I understand. I'm not mad. I'm happy for you guys." I said sounding happier then I was.

End of flashback~

They came and gone. I love him and he loves me too, but he loves her more. I should've noticed it with the way he had been acting.

They have came and gone. Now when I look around my flat, it looks bare. But I still feel him here.

In the fairytales he always comes back. But this was real life and he wasn't. I just lost I only person I ever loved and he was not coming back.

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