You are moving in. Niall

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"NO! I'm not going!" you yelled. Big news your parents wanted to move out of London, but you wanted to stay with Niall. "I'm 18 you can't make me go with you."

"Y/N, you maybe 18 but where you go?" you mum said. "We leave tomorrow

"I don't know. But still I'm not going." starting to think of places where you could go. One place you could think of. So you got up went outside to call Niall.

"Hey, Y/N what's up?" Niall said picking up.

"Can you come get me? I need to talk to you." knowing you were going to worry him.

"Yeah. Where are you?" yep he sounded worried.

"My house." hoping that will make him worry less.

"Oh okay." sounding relieved, "What do you what to talk about?"

"Well it is pretty big news." trying to sound upbeat. "See you soon. Love you"

"Love you too." and he hung up.

You waited outside for him for 10 minutes. "Hey Y/N.Why don't you tell me what's up?" opening the door for you.

"My parents want to leave London." you tell him straight to the piont.

"Your 18 they can't make you go." he said.

"I know that but we leave soon, and I have no where to go." almost crying, "trust me I don't want to go but what am I supose to do."

"You can come live with me." 


"Yeah you don't want to go, I don't want you to go. So yeah come move in with me." turning back around, "need help packing."

Niall helped you pack up your stuff, then loaded too. "Come on Y/N we're going home." helping you into the car.

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