How you meet. Liam

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I was taking orders while more people piled in. Noon was always a time for a major rush time at McDonald's. Most customers are fin but there are those few that annoy you.

Liam Payne from One Direction just had his order taken by you nothing more but his fans got mad anyway. "Stop looking at Liam." They kept shouting at me while I taking his order.

With all the interruptions I could never get the full order, "You want to stop taking to him let get the order." I said after the fifth time they interrupted me. Liam had an amused expression on his face, "What is so funny?" I asked.

"Never really seen anyone defend themselves against my fans. Not all of them are crazy, I promise." he said with an adorable laugh.

"No I believe you." I laughed along with him.

"Y/N!" I heard my boss yell at me from the pickup station.

"Yes Jessica." I said finishing Liam's order. And going to where she was waiting.

"Is what this young lady said too?" I saw who she was talking about. It was one of those girls that were distracting me.

"Depends on what she said." I know what I did but chances are she was blowing it out of proportion.

"She said you yelled at her." right the costumer is always right my ass.

"I was trying to take another order and she kept being mean to me telling NOT to take the order."

"You're not allowed to yell at the other costumers." Jessica looked too mad, "You know what we don't have time for this, Y/N leave you're fired."

Whatever no job beats dealing with certain costumers, "Okay, yeah, sure." 

"Y/N, what happened?" I turned to see Liam still waiting for food. I didn't respond I didn't want to tell him that I just got fired because of his fans. "Bring it in." He said opening his arms. I fell into to them it was a perfect fit. "So what happened?"

This time I told him, "Got fired bacause some girl claimed I would not stop being mean. You can guess who."

"Like I said not all of them are crazy. Some might think it was nice if I got a girlfriend or started dating."

"Well I would love to meet some of those fans." I said still crying on him.

"Well you could but you would have to date me." he nudged me a little, "So what do you say?"

"To dating you?" let me think about that for a second, "Well lets see I know you for like 5 minutes and I'm comfortable enough to cry in front of you let alone on you? I'm gonna have to say sure I'll go out with you."

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