"Merry Christmas Eve to you too. What're you guys getting into today?"

I shrugged grabbing my purple PINK duffle bag. "We're heading over to Aunt Victoria's house and staying over. What about yourself?"

"Nothing major. Janice and I are out in Ohio visiting her family. It's colder then a bitch out here. Got your old man out here freezing in this damn snow. You know we ain't built for cold." He said laughing. I laughed with him.

Janice was a girl that my father met ten year ago. She's a nice lady other the last couple of wannabe whores that he was with.  

"See I told you about that. I told you prepare for that Father but you didn't listen to me."

He waved me off. "Ah whatever. I'll be fine."

I shook my head. "Father get you a winter coat. Your hoodie will do you no justice in that weather."

He laughed. "I got a proper ass daughter telling me what to do. Then I got a son who acts like he ain't got no damn common sense."

"Daddy. Xavion has his own issues." I didn't want to get in Xavion's business but I could feel that he was hurting about something. One thing that sucked about having a twin.

"The little black nigga bitch could call me sometime." He mumbled.

"I'll be sure to tell him that Father." I laughed.

Janice appeared on the screen behind my dad. I smiled waving to her as she waved back.

"Take care of my Father." I joked.

She came up to him putting her hand on his shoulder.

"Child this man don't listen to a word I say." She laughed shaking her head.

He smirked at her. "You better chill before we get a round eight."

I scrunched my nose up disgusted on where this conversation is going. "On that note, let me get off of here."

They both waved bye.  "Now come here girl and let me show you what daddy working with still." He yelled

I gagged hanging up on them. The man is old as hell and still acting like he's my age.

I walked down the steps seeing that everyone left. Xavion and Xylia took their own cars and Mother rode in the truck with Becca.

I got into my slick black BMW turning the ignition on. I had deep purple and black grain wood interior in the inside.

I pulled my phone out calling my bestfriend and older cousin Rylia.

"Merry Christmas Eve Xena!" She screamed in the phone.

I chuckled amused with her behavior. "Merry Christmas Eve Rylia."

"What you doing bitch?"

"Driving over to Aunt Victoria's house where everyone is at."

She laughed. "Your mom still has y'all do that shit."

I shrugged even though I know she couldn't see me. "It's tradition now. What I tell you about cursing around my little god son?" I teased.

Rylia was four months pregnant with her first child. Her and her boyfriend Logan have been dating for a year and I guess they're getting serious. I still don't got a good vibe about him.

"Whatever girl. He'll be okay. What I'm trying to know is when your popping some babies out?"

I rolled my eyes. "You know I don't plan on 'popping' any out right now."

She sighed. "Xena you can't let what happen six years ago get the best of you."

I stared at my phone before hanging up on her. She knew dang well I didn't like thinking or talking about that. Rylia was the only one who knew about that day and I rather keep it that way as well.

I didn't even realize that I was in front of Aunt Victoria's house. I turned my car off grabbing my bag before hopping out the car. Walking up the driveway, I tried my best to clear my mind as best as possible. I took a deep breath before walking in.

Immediately I was engulfed in a hug. Jesus Jr. had me in a death grip.

"Boy if you don't let me go." I squealed trying to pry his hands from around me. I tried taking deep breaths to keep myself calm from freaking out.

He lowered my back on the ground laughing. "Shit Xena you know I like messing with you. Loosen that ass up."

I smiled politely before walking away. I walked into the living room to see everyone was there. All of the girls had on different kind of onesies.

Mother and Becca were cuddled up on the love seat. Xylia was in front of them on the floor eyes glued to the phone. Corbin and Jesus Sr. were conversing drinking eggnogs. Aunt Maria had little Corbin Jr. in her arms. The boy was eight still getting babied. Malinda was playing the PS9 with Jesus Jr. Marissa was also glued to her phone. Aunt Victoria was laid up with Aunt Maria teasing Corbin Jr. Vanessa had a big frown on her face like she was irritated to be here. She was watching the tv but it didn't seem like she was actually watching it.

I looked over to see Xavion posted up on the wall. Occasionally he would look at everyone and what each individual was doing. His eyes would pause on Vanessa before blanking. He looked like a lost puppy.

I walked over to him leaning on the wall. He glanced at me before looking away.

"Ain't nothing wrong Xena." He said.

I smiled. "What makes you think I was going to ask if something was wrong?"

He stared at me for a while not blinking before looking away. "I know you."

"Well since we're on the topic, are you okay?" I asked leaning on him.

"I'm fine." He said coldly.

I frowned. "You're lying to me." I stated staring at him confused.

"Okay and? Why should I tell you? You don't tell me what's wrong with you." He scoffed moving away from me a little.

I backed up a little offended. "What're you talking about?"

He laughed rolling his eyes. "Don't play fucking dumb. That proper act doesn't phase me. I feel that deep pain that you're trying to bury but it's not going to work. I know you're hurting but you won't tell me. I'll ask again. Why should I tell you?" He asked pushing me a little.

I looked away suddenly feeling like all of my confidence was just ripped from me.

He chuckled shaking his head. "No answer again? Do me favor. Don't say shit to me while we're here. I rather keep to myself." He said walking away.

I felt a lone tear slid down my cheek before hitting the floor. What have I done?

Two chapters in one day? Aye yeah go Nyla. I never did a POV for Xena so I thought it would be only right. I tried to switch roles for Xavion and Xena. When Xena was a baby she was outspoken and real affectionate. Xavion was the more so shy one that only really stuck to Xavia. Also feedback would be nice. Tell me what you do and don't like. Bad criticism is sometimes good.

What is Xena hiding?

Xavion's attitude towards his sister?

Do you think this Christmas only going to get better or worse?

Picture of Xena in the multimedia.

Forbidden (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now