15- unbalanced battle

Start from the beginning

"Why must every evil organisation I run into be obsessed with me. I'm not that interesting." I growled.

"Give up now Voice of Purity. We have you surrounded." The leader demanded.

I raised an eyebrow and switched my Moonblast I was was hanging onto to my other hand. "I wouldn't exactly call three guys being surrounded."

Behind you!

I quickly turned around to see three more grunts behind me. I pulled Guardian's Pokèball from my belt and let her out. She landed lightly on the ground, crouching low to the ground, her lips pulled back into a snarl as she bared her fangs at the sight of the grunts. She most likely remembered her previous encounter with the grunts and was determined not to fail again.

It only too moments longer for me to be completely surrounded. My Pokemon spread out so they were standing in a circle around me protectively. I did a quick head count and counted 15 Scizor along with the Tyranitar against my 5 Pokemon. Hope, Trust, Rioyaru, Guardian and Faith were the only Pokemon I had that could fight since Dreamer, Petunia and Trixie were far to weak to fight these things.

"Still want to fight or do you still want to do this the hard way?" The leader smirked.

I gritted my teeth in annoyance and threw my Moonblast I'd been holding at him. "Stay the hell away away from me already! I'm so fucking over this!"

~Watch your language missy.~ Rio growled while I gave her a 'you're-seriously-concerned-about-my-lanuage-now' look while she nodded.

"Eeshk." I rolled my eyes.

"Hard way it is then. Grunts, show this girl how we take to disrespectful little worms." The leader snort deviously.

The grunts ordered their Pokemon to attack while I called mine to defend. My Pokemon obeyed without hesitation and counted every opposing Pokemon's move with one of their own, throwing an attack inhere and there that would hit it's opponent. I joined in as well, throwing out whatever attack would come to mind from Aura Sphere to Energy Ball while still trying to figure out a way to tip the scales in my favour. These things could battle for hour without showing any signs of exhaustion while mine would eventually be to tired to fight. Even though I had faith in all my Pokemon, they were still regular Pokemon.

I gritted my teeth and countered a Shadow Ball with a blast of water. I was continually circling around, checking that all of my Pokemon were alright and that nine of them had gotten hit. My mind kept wandering to the three Pokéballs that remained on my belt but I averted it ways out of this.

It didn't take long for my Pokemon to begin waring down. Stray attacks to fly over head as my five Pokemon struggled to keep up their consistent attacks. Beads of sweat dripped down my face as even I started finding it hard to keep on attacking. I doubled over with my hands on my knees, panting for air.

I glanced up at my Pokemon in time to see a cage of plasma energy surround Faith. The Mew screamed in furry, attacking the force field prison with all the energy she had left.

"Let her go!" I demanded enraged, glaring at the leader.

The cage floated over the the leader who held the sphere in his hands as if it was nothing. "Why should I do that? You chose to do this the hard way and this is the hard way." He raised his hand and all the corrupt Mega Pokemon stopped attacking my ones.

My remaining Pokemon came in closer to me, panting for air or growling at the man holding Faith who seemed to be even more enraged. She stopped attacking the cage and tried to use Teleport but it didn't seem to work inside the sphere she was trapped in. I dug my nails in to my palms and glared at the man and Tyranitar in front of me.

"What do you want?" I demanded, wondering what could be keeping my brother and boyfriend.

"We simply need you, come with us and your little Pokemon here won't die from lack of air." He smirked.

Faith seemed to freeze, covering her mouth with her paws as if to stop herself from breathing.

I let out a growl and balled my hands into firsts. Of course I didn't want to give myself up, but Faith was my Pokemon, my friend and family. I didn't yet know the limits with these guys so I could only assume he would do what he said. But what of my other Pokemon? Guardian could mega evolve and if they'd corrupted her against me I would never forgive myself for putting her in that situation.

My hand made its way to my Absol's mane. I curled my fingers around her, assuring myself she was there.

~Don't worry about me Emma, save Faith.~ Guardian told me quietly. ~She's family.~

I looked between my two Pokemon. Faith seemed to be gasping more and more for air and my Mew looked in pain, leaving me with no choice other to surrender to my opponents wishes.

"I-I'll do it. Just let her go." I mumbled, loud enough to be heard.

The leader snickered and fiddled with a dial on some control he held. Whatever he'd done seemed to let air flow back into the prison Faith was trapped in.

Faith gave me a look of shame and sorrow. ~I'm sorry Em. I just...~

I shook my head, telling her to worry about it. I should if kept a better eye on my Pokemon.

"Return your Pokemon." The leader demanded. 

I pulled my Pokéballs from my belt and returned my team, apart from Faith who was still trapped. I clipped them back to my belt, but not before switching one of the balls on my belt with an empty one from the side pocket of my belt.

I slipped it into my jeans pocket before crossing my arms in front of me, keeping a careful eye on Faith and the guy who practically had her life in his hands. "Now what?" I growled.

All I saw was a Scizor rush towards me at a speed to fast to match before I was knocked out cold, falling to the ground as everything faded black.

Word count: 2264

Done~! Now things start getting interesting. More stuff in Team Prosperity soon to come.

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