"Obviously I would have caught her! I am a bloody fast vampire! How dare you do that? Do you want her other lung to collapse as well?" He was so furious that if he hadn't been holding me I'm pretty sure someone in this room would be missing a head.

"Well if there are any health concerns I should've been informed of that beforehand. But no foul done so no harm or whatever the saying is. However I do believe that we have accomplished a great deal today."

"Put me down David." I said when I caught my breath. It was difficult to be in his arms and not think about the past... How it felt so right..

He put me down gently. "How do you think throwing her around is going to build trust between us? You're more likely to kill her from a heart attack!"

"We'll see what to do when we cross that bridge. Just make sure you keep your promise now. Because if you break it then even I can't help you."

I felt light headed but I said "it's okay. I'm fine anyway."

Klaus clapped his hands. "Okay. Let's start with the first step. Both of you, come close and stand together."

We followed instructions but it felt.. Strange.

He pushed us two more closer than we were standing.


5 seconds later he says "okay so first you'll start by standing apart, David you'll ask her for her hand and Liz you're going to take it and let him pull you closer. That wouldn't need practice. And your back should be against him."

"Like this?" David said. I could feel my back pressed to his chest.

"Yes. Now David put one of your hands on her waist, Liz you put yours on his hand. David your other hand will go across her on her shoulder, Liz you will follow his movement."

Okay.. It felt a little awkward but we followed command. These steps were kind of weird.

"Don't worry, once you guys know the steps we'll ignite the passion." Klaus winked.

"Then David the hand on her waist will go there on her forehead like this" he put his hand on my forehead, all this time I could feel his muscles contract. It gave me butterflies being so close to him.

"And extend the hand on the shoulder outwards. Like you're stretching trying to catch the moon. And Liz you will follow his hand."

"Yes just like that." He said when we followed him. "Now you both bend down forming a downwards circle and while coming back up David you will pick Liz up. Liz you're going to extend your hands up and raise your knees to your stomach. Create a cocoon. David you're going to take a circle with Liz in your arms."

"Okay... Let's try that." I said unsure.

When we did klaus clapped. "Flawless! I couldn't have asked for a better couple. This is so amazing but this is literally two seconds of the song. Let's do a little more and you two can practice that for now. So this whole dance will depict James and Lindsay in a way because you guys will introduce the couple. It's going to be two people who have to be apart but just can't keep away from each other. Every time they do they're drawn back to each other. As if they're anchors to each other. As if gravity pulls them together every time they're apart. And when they're together they can't get close enough. He teaches her how to fly and she teaches him how to live again, how to breathe." Klaus said it so enthusiastically. I couldn't help but feel like this was how it was between me and David.

"Now when he puts you back Liz you're going to put your hand on his neck and turn as if to kiss him but you'll twist instead and then move your body like a snake."

"Umm.. Okay. Are you sure you're okay with this?" David asked me questioningly.

"It's just a dance." I said selfishly wanting to be this close to him. To feel his arms around me.

I did as klaus instructed.

"No no no, you're supposed to be closer to him when you do that. Like you're trying to entice him. Feel each other's body, each other's soul."

I blushed a little but did as told. When I turned close to him to the fake kiss David winked at me teasingly. Damn he's so hot. But two can play this game and I winked back surprising him when I moved against his body.

"Now David you're going to push her back but don't let Liz go from her waist. We don't want her falling do we. Then you pull her back up and all the way to your side as if you're pulling her into your world. Next steps are a couple of lifts. You better hold on to him Liz."

We tried what he asked but God, being so close to him was unnerving me.

"Good, I can see that the trust exercise worked a little. The fall looked good. The lifts are going to be you teaching her how to fly."

He showed us a couple of lifts but they looked really tough. "You can't do these alone Liz. You both will need to practice a lot though, without me too. Let's do it till here for a couple of days. Good work for the first day though. But it needs a lot of improvement. I'm going now. But practice this one more time then you're done for the day."

So we were once again in each other's arms and some how, after klaus left, it felt more intense. Like someone had switched the heat on. He was so close to me and that scene where we were so close I felt like kissing him so much.

Just a little taste of his lips on mine, just one small kiss.. Like old times. The passion, the love, just one kiss.

But it would be so wrong. He was promised to another. Regardless of how much I hated kesha I couldn't do this to her. So I pulled back and continued.

When he lifted me up I kind of lost my balance and we almost fell but he caught me like he promised.

"Careful." He whispered in my ear.

That's when I knew. I had to get away.

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