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"If you want to stop, we can," Agent Brooks tells Desiree noticing that the 22 year old woman is a bit shaken up reciting her encounter with her delusional captor.

She shakes her head and takes a deep breath.

"No you need this information. I can do it."


July 10 2:13 pm

When I wake I have a killer headache. I reach to touch my head and hear a clanking noise as well as my hand jolted to a halt. I look over to where I presume my hands are and assume that my wrists are cuffed.

What's going on?

I start on trying to sit up but realize that my legs are cuffed as well.

The pain in my head throbs against my temples and I shut my eyes in agony, letting out a slight cry. I shouldn't have drank so much last night.

The door swings open and the dark room is filled with the bright light from outside. In the door frame, I see a silhouette of a pretty tall guy. He kicks the door closed, entombing us in darkness once more until he switches on a lamp perched on top of a bedside table.

I swallow, though my mouth is honestly dry. It's the guy from after the club. I knew I shouldn't have gotten a ride from him. I'm so stupid.

He gives me a weird smile.

"You're awake," he speaks and tries to remove hair from out of my face. I jump away; not wanting him to touch me; causing him to shy away.

"What is going on? Why am I tied up?" I ask frantically even though I already know the answers to my questions. I got in a car with a complete psychopath and I'm probably never going to see my family ever again.

"Calm down. Everything's going to be okay. I promise," he nods, a few strands of his hair falling in his face.

It's very hard to believe that when I'm tied up on all four limbs and probably somewhere I don't know.

He stares at me and reaches his hand out to touch my arm.

"Don't touch me! Let me go! HELP!" I yell out hoping someone will hear me.

He chuckles.

"No one can hear you silly. You're very cute when you act like you're in distress. I won't hurt you. Unless you give me a reason to. You won't give me a reason will you?" I swallow, yet again theirs little saliva, and nod my head frantically. "Good. Your head must be killing you. I got you some Tylenol while I was at the store. Here."

He produces a white pill bottle and a bottle of water. He shakes out a couple pills holding them in his hand as he uncaps the water. He takes my head in his hand lifting it up and placing the pills in my mouth. He tilts the water bottle slowly into my mouth, allowing water to flow its way inside.

It's refreshing.

I swallow the two pills at the same time and the remaining water.

"Thank you," I tell him as he lays my head back down on the pillow gently. He recaps the bottled water and pill bottle.

Now that he's not in an Audi, I can see his features detailed. He has clear skin with thin lips. His hair is straight and long with curly ringlets at the end. His nose is quite big but it fit the structure of his face. His resting face seemed stressed or worrisome. His facial structure, in all, is beautiful- greek-like, almost perfect.

"You're welcome. Happy birthday by the way," he smiles. It's the first time I'm really able to see how trustworthy of a smile it is up close.

But how could I forget about my birthday?! "I brought something else too so we can celebrate." He pulls out a medium sized cylinder shaped cake. What the hell? "Hope you like it. I know your favorite color is red and your favorite flavor is chocolate so I made the words red and the cake chocolate. See? Just for you," he says with a proud smile.

I don't know what to say to that.

If that's not crazy then I don't know what is.

"You don't like it," he says disappointed and tugs at the ends of his hair in frustration.

"No! No! I do!" I yell trying to calm him down. Who knows what he's capable of when he's upset and I sure as hell don't want to find out.

"Really?" he asks hopeful, letting go of his hair slightly. I nod.

"Of course. It was very thoughtful of you," I answer trying to please this guy.

He grins.

How can someone so attractive be so crazy?

"I'm going to go get us some plates and forks. Well a spoon for you. I don't want you to try to hurt yourself."

He stares at me with a proud smile before leaving out.

I wait a little before trying to pull my wrists out of the cuffs. I groan in annoyance finding the only solution to my pulling is hurt wrists.

I look around the room. There are no windows and only one door. The place is pretty empty besides this bed, the bedside table, and lamp.

The door opens and closes again. The guy shows up at my bed side and kneels down.

He places two plates near my stomach. It's then I realize I'm not in the same clothes as I was from last night. I'm in a long white tee. Did he really change me? That is disgusting! He saw me all exposed. What is his problem? What does he even want with me?

He cuts two small pieces placing them on two separate plates.

"I-I won't be able to eat it. My-My hands are a bit tied up," I tell him wiggling my fingers. He looks at me with a deep thinking face.

"You won't try anything?" he asks narrowing his eyes at me.

"Just that cake," I smile slightly.

He chuckles and goes into his front pocket pulling out a set of keys. I watch them intently as he reaches out to unlatch my right handcuffs first. Once released I push myself up into a seating position.

He gets up walking around to my left side. He releases my left and I rub my wrists with both hands massaging the hurt away.

He comes back to my right side and kneels again. He places the keys back in his pocket and hands me my plate. I take it and watch him devour his piece. My eyes travel to the lamp on the bedside table, forming a plan with that.

"Are you not hungry?" he asks me. I take a large crumb and set it in my mouth. I chew and set the plate on the bedside table. "You okay?" he questions concerned.

Sorry for this.

I grab the lamp and swing it across his head. It connects hard and he falls limp on the floor. The light flickers on and off before popping back on permanently. I reach down using my hands for support and search through his pockets, grabbing the set of keys.

I go to work on my left side ankle cuff. The guy groans, starting to move a bit and I quickly try to uncuff my right. Once done, I drop the keys and run towards the door.

Before I could reach the handle, I'm grabbed around my waist and thrown back, landing on the bed. I breathe heavily and stare at him. His right side temple is bleeding, the blood rushing down the side of his face. His nice features are exchanged with angry, betrayed ones. Fear starts coursing through my body. I've just upset him.

He crawls onto the bed and straddles me. He balls my shirt in his fist, lifting me in the air. He cocks his arm back.

"No! No! No!"

His fist connects and I black out.


Stockholm Syndrome | H.S. |Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ