11. Tears of blood.

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The second I sent them away, I caught fire. The flames burned, but the pain was not excruciating.

"What's happening Cass?" I looked at my hands.

"Your becoming an archangel...this is rare, impossible even. But that shouldn't happen." I stopped burning, instead I started crying. I wiped my face and the tears were blood.

"Cass...please tell me what's happening."

"I don't know." He stepped up and wiped another 'tear', then licked the blood and cringed.
"Demon blood. Your body must be expelling it. We need to find an Abbadon."

"What? If the demon blood is going away, that's good. Why do we need a...what the heck is an abbadon?"

"A very old, very powerful demon. Almost as powerful as their creator, Lucifer. Problem is they are extinct. We need it because you now have twice the Angel power, you need a little bit of demon to keep you sane. That power will go to your head."

"So you want me to take blood, because you think I need to power down. I'm fine Cass. I'll be ok. We need to get the others and do exactly what we just did, to Crowley."

"You need to balance a little, or else you will no longer have demon blood."

"I DON'T WANT DEMON BLOOD, CASTIEL! Can't YOU understand. I don't want to be pegged half demon the rest of my life, or lives. I didn't even want to be an angel."

"Then what did you want?"
"To be human, to travel with the doctor on tv. To graduate high school, then college, and be a teacher while working on being a professor. Find the right guy, get married, maybe a few kids, live a Christian life, and go to heaven when I die. Was that too much to ask for?"

He was silent as he collected angel blades from his fallen brethren.

"I'm sorry. This is my fault. If I hadn't used your mother as a vessel-"

"Then I would be a demonic Time Lady. Remember my dad was still a demon...do we even know who he is?"

"No, for all we know he could be dead or Crowley." He gave a stupid looking grin and we had a short laugh.

"You made a joke. That was a joke right? I don't want to be Crowley's kid that would be weird." Cass shrugged his shoulders.
"Cass! Stop messing with me." I groaned in mock frustration.

"We should let the others rest, go after Crowley tomorrow. I need to go help the Winchesters. Dean has been praying."

"Can I come?"

He nodded and grabbed my hand. Then we were in a cheap motel room in front of the plaid wearing boys.

"Sam! Dean! How are you two?"

"Riley? Woah what happened to you?" Sam reached down to wipe the remaining tears, I flashed my eyes and he jumped back.

"What the heck? How are your eyes like that?" He gasped

"Come on you've seen my eyes flash before boys."

"Not like that we've seen black eyes. You-your dark purple then they glow blue. Look in the mirror." Dean pointed a mirror on the wall. Sure enough, they flashed purple then my iris and pupil turned blue and white respectively. I let out a small hmm.

"So what did you want?"

"We were wondering if you found anything about sending Eve back to purgatory."

"No. I've been busy helping Riley. She is an archangel now. Her daughter was kidnapped by Crowley."

I waved "Hi. Yeah I kinda killed Raphael, and took his grace because he took the soul from my baby."

"Sam...remind me not to get on her bad side. I don't wanna die...again."

"Huh, yeah. Do my best. So...were you crying blood?"

"Yes, that was the demon blood being flushed out. Better?" I had snapped and cleaned myself off.


"Well I'm going to get back to the others... Bye boys."

"Riley. Take this. It's an archangel blade, much more powerful than mine."

He handed me a longer, more ornate blade. I took it and left.

Burning Blood [Crybaby Creek sequel]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang