9.There goes the neighborhood.

14 1 3

Riley's pov

Loki looked at us and collapsed. Next thing I know I'm on ice, fully clothed, with a massive migraine.

"What happened?" I clutched my head and saw glowing arms."Uuhhunnn."

"You saw Loki and went after him. You flung him around and yelled...a lot." My Doctor looked at me with frightened green eyes. "You caught on fire...after you healed him."

I let out a string of curses in various languages. "And why did I do that?"

"Because he knows where Hailey is, and that he didn't hurt her."
I start to get up and am pushed back into the water."What are you doing?"

"That son of a Dalek stole my child. I'm going to interrogate him."

"No. You are going to cool off, get some dry clothes, something to eat, a bottle of Ibuprofen and a nice cool bed."

"Ok. After. I don't like to interrogate when I'm full, I don't like to get more clothes bloody than necessary, I won't sleep until I know that my baby is ok, but that ibuprofen sounds great." I start to get up when he sweeps me in his arms.

"Really? I'm soaked and am able to walk." He smiled and kissed my nose.

"Yes, but you are also my soaked fiancé. So I shall carry you."
In the living room the Avengers and Cass were surrounding Loki, who was sitting on a couch tied in-
"Are those intestines?"

"The colon of a Norwegian goat, blessed by Odin's high priest, may bind the trickster god."

"Really? Because I read that he was bound by his son's entrails onto a rock and was poisoned by a snake daily." I sassed as I was set down on the couch.

"Odin thought that a just punishment for insulting many of his friends, honestly being grounded for one year was a bit much...Oh come on that was a joke!"

"This is no time for jokes. Where is the girl?" Cass held an angel blade to his throat. Loki swallowed.

"Well, umm, which part of her, exactly , do you want back?"

"You SONOFABITCH! I'LL KILL YOU! Let me go! He hurt my baby! Let me go!"
John held me down as things flew across the room.

"She isn't hurt ."
"Huh?" I stopped. Tony winced as several objects dropped and broke.

"The Angel's took her soul, and Crowley locked me in a cage and took the kid. I broke out and came to you."

"Because your plan didn't work?" Tony scoffed.

"No. This was only supposed to be a hostage situation. No harm was to come to her, you get hyped up on blood or something like that, she is returned to you, and I rule earth."

"Even if that plan did work. Did you think that I wouldn't kill you anyways?"

"I had hoped that the new you would forget, and that your new commanders would keep you away from me."
He fell on the floor choking and coughing up blood, I had just crushed a lung.

"You will help us, or you will die." I repaired the lung and he sat up gasping.

He told us where the Angels and Demons were, what they were planning.

"They will expect you to take Demon blood to get the girl, then they will either make you turn on the demons, or force Angel blood into you for her soul. Because only a pure Angel or demon can replace a soul." Castiel relayed from angel radio.

"So what's the plan? We can't just go in unprepared. These are celestial beings."

"We go in. The Avengers take out as many signs and sigils as they can,so that Cass and I can go in without being weakened. When you are done smashing, Doctor lead them to a safe place."

"What if we are caught?" Banner asked.
"If you are caught hulk up and smash, the rest of you draw this on a wall or doorway in your blood and when the Angels get close enough slam your hand on it. They get zapped back to Oz." I drew the sign on the glass table with Loki's blood as I talked.

I glared at Loki who inched his hand closer to the table. "Don't even think about it. You are going to stay here, bound unable to call out or even be detected by angels or demons."

I put both hands on his chest. With one I carved his bones,with the other I burned a pentegram into his flesh. A small flame caught on my thumb. I put it out before the others could see.

Loki winced and laughed. "You can't even use a small power without cathing fire! How are you going to resist taking blood long enough to rescue your kid?"

"Pure will power, and some sleight of hand. Right Cass?"

"Your current state is weak, either side will force the blood into you if they need to. I can do some things for both of us, but if we get separated I won't be able to cover you."

"So what do you suggest?"

He reached into the trenchcoat, pulled out a knife, and held it to his arm.

"It is my blood that runs through you. Any other angel can give you blood, but your body may reject it and be unable to stabilize. However if I give you blood you already have..."

"Then my body will accept it and the others won't know what hit them because they have no idea that you are with me. Then I will also be able to get her soul."

John looked at me with those big old green eyes full of worry and hugged me.

"Are you sure? If this doesn't work and you...die I don't know if-" I kissed his lips lightly and straightened his bowtie.

"Shh I'm 'The Weapon', I'm a fighter, a demon, an angel, a Time Lady, a mother, and the future wife of the Oncoming Storm. I'll be fine. I love you with both my hearts."

"Love you more." He whispered as I nodded to the now bleeding Castiel. He walked forward and held his arm to me.

"Get back! This change will be... difficult to watch."
My Doctor stayed when the others left. "I'll never leave you."

I nodded, turned to the cut on Cass's arm, and closed my eyes as I took the first sip of angel blood.

Burning Blood [Crybaby Creek sequel]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora