14.Purgatory or bust.

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First off...SORRY! I got my dates wrong. Season 9 premier of Doctor Who is September 19th NOT the 18th. I could've swore it was an 8. (Sometimes I can be number dyslexic) but we have a release date yaaaayyy!

Second off: THIS NEXT CHAPTER CONTAINS SUPERNATURAL SPOILERS !!! If you have made it to leviathans please ignore this, but if not....I'm not telling how they get out. So chew on that. Also the picture has a creepy face in it, comment if you can see it too...please... Ok Carry On.

Our group was now just three. Gabe, Hailey, and I were the only ones left.

Some had died (what happens to monsters when they die in monster heaven? No one knows.) Others had just left because I apparently am a beacon for nasty monsters.

A large portal opened and most of the souls left purgatory, then it reopened and most of those reentered. Except for the leviathan. A while later a trenchcoated angel crashed down in front of us.
"CASS! What the heck?"

"I did bad things. Thought I was God. Now I must pay pennance. Leviathan on earth." He was gasping.

"No Cass. You need to go back and help the guys. I better not see you in here later." I placed my hands on his head and pushed him back into the land of the living.

"How come you couldn't do that for the rest of us?" Gabe asked amazed.

"I can only do it to those that are fresh members. Once you kill I can't. Isaac was proof of that. I wonder what happened to him?"
The Angel had died in attempt of escape. We kept moving through the wilderness being attacked and fighting back.

A few months later we were just setting up camp when we heard new arrivals close bye.

"Where the hell are we?" I thought I recognised that voice, so I crept through the trees into a clearing. On my way I heard a struggle and when I got there two vamps were laying sprawled on the nettles without their thinking caps.

Two men stood over them one was wearing jeans, a plaid shirt and a jean jacket. The other a tan trenchcoat and a backwards tie. They both were wiping splattered blood from their faces.

"Cass? Dean? What the hell are you two doing here?"

"Riley! Your dead. How are you standing here unless... this ain't hell, and it sure ain't heaven. So where are we?"

"Purgatory. Dean, you shouldn't be here. No humans are allowed."
Castiel put away his blade.

"Ok ok. So what, standing to close to exploding Dick sends you straight to purgatory? Fantastic."

"Exploding --- ok then explain on the way what that means. Oh first things first. Did either of you not kill anything?" They shook their heads.

"Well that's great. Because if you didn't I could've sent you back. But you killed a monster in purgatory way to go."

"We weren't gonna stand around and let them take us! We didn't even know you were here! Or that you could even get people out of purgatory from the inside...John said when a Timelord dies their consiousness is recorded at the citadel on Galliffrey. But there is no more Galliffrey, so what your soul just goes to monster heaven?"

"Apparently. I figured that I could send people back when a very young shifter appeared. He was maybe two, never hurt anyone. I implanted a knowledge of what he was and why, I told him that I may be able to give him back to his human mother. Then I pushed him back through."

" 'through' what? How did you even get this idea?" Dean stopped.

"Well you get here somehow right? Your own personal pinprick of portal, just big enough for your soul to get through. I figured that what goes in can go out. But you have to be the same, not one murder in purgatory."

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