26. Jingle All The Way

Start from the beginning

Once everyone was all set to go, we made our way into the car. We were about three and a half hours into the drive when I felt a pain in my stomach. I gently held it to see if maybe it was the baby kicking hard or something, but turns out it wasn't. A couple of seconds later the pain went away, so I decided to forget about it.

It was only a couple of minutes later when I felt the sharp pain again.  I clutched my stomach for the second time, and this time Harry noticed. ''Hey, you alright?'' he asked while Gregg and Lilly sang along to Christmas songs in the backseat.

I nodded and shot him the best smile I could manage, ''I'm fine.''

He nodded, ''You're also a bad actor, remember?''

I rolled my eyes, ''Hey, I got away with being Sydney for a while without any suspicion, didn't I? And like I said, I'm fine.''

He stared at me for a second before shaking his head, ''If you say so, but if it happens again I'm taking you to the hospital.''

''I don't need to go to the hospital.'' I replied while still holding my stomach.

''What if it's the baby?'' he asked.

I sighed, ''It's not the baby, okay?  He's not due for another month or so.''

He raised an eyebrow, ''So you think it's a 'he', huh?''

I shrugged, ''I didn't mean anything by it, I was just saying -'' I was saying before Gregg cut me off.

''Whoa, whoa, whoa. I thought you were on board with me, Sel. That baby is a she.'' he stated.

Lilly chimed in, ''Yeah, it better be a girl! I can't braid a boy's hair...unless it's long like daddy's.''

I smiled at her comment, ''I'm sure whatever gender the baby is, it'll be appreciated either way.''

''It's totally a boy.'' Harry said with a grin.

''Girl!'' Gregg and Lilly yelled out at the same time.

I shook my head and leaned back into my seat with a smile. This was going to be one long ride.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

 It was nearly twenty minutes later when it happened. Everyone was singing along now to Christmas songs, but I stopped when I noticed my dress was soaked. I looked over at Harry as he was shouting a verse to 'Jingle Bells'. He was so into the song, he didn't even notice my uneasy stare.

''Um, Harry..'' I said quietly.

He didn't hear me, so I repeated myself again. ''Harry....''

Yet again, all that the boy heard was the upbeat music of 'Jingle Bells' and since the spreading water was getting worse, I decided to do what I had to do. ''HARRY EDWARD STYLES.''

Immediately the singing stopped and he turned to look at me with a shocked expression. ''What?''

''So, remember that thing you said about the hospital...'' I began while he nodded. ''I think we have to go there, like now.''

''Why, is it hurting again?'' he asked, trying to stay calm.

I nodded in response and kept quiet because it did kind of hurt. 

''Okay, I'll drive to the nearest hospital. Don't worry, I'm sure everything is fine. Like you said, there's no way the baby is coming yet, he still has a while.'' he stated, while still driving at a moderately average pace.

I nodded, ''Right, I did say that, but I was wrong.''

''What?'' he asked.

''My water kind of just broke during the chorus of 'Jingle Bells'.'' I stated.

''What?'' he asked again.

''Yeah, so I don't know..maybe you could like, speed up just a bit because I really don't feel like having a baby in the front seat of  a car.'' I stated, trying to not panic even though I totally was on the verge to.

Harry didn't say another word, he just nodded and began to drive way faster with a blank expression, almost like he just saw a ghost. Meanwhile, in the back of the car Gregg kept mumbling profanities while Lilly was cheering that her new sister was coming in time for Christmas. I remained quiet in the front, hoping that we would get to a hospital in time.


so i decided to split this chapter into 2 parts because i don't want it to drag on, && now it'll be all suspenseful for those of you wondering what the baby's gender is

anyway, please let me know what you thought! i really would appreciate it!


1. what gender do you think the baby is?

2. have any predictions on what is going to happen next? if so, what are they?

3. what's your favorite christmas carol?

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