Chapter 41

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i close the last suitcase and sigh , am done , i finished packing.

Harry had asked me to move with him , he doesn't want me to stay with my parents anymore , but the thing that he don't know is that i've been packing over a week now , but not to move in with him......but for collage ......which is in New York !!! GOD !! i have to tell him tonight !! i leave next week i have to tell him !

i take my last suitcase and get down stairs , i already cave the other bags to Harry outside , i take a deep breath and stop at the kitchen where my parents are , when they saw my bag they stop yelling at each other and look at me 

dad : where the fuck do you think your going kid !!

me : far away 

him : like am gonna let you !!!

mom : i knew it !!! your just like your brother !! piece of shit !!! your running away just like he did !! that fucking pussy he destroyed our reputation !! 


i take a deep breath 

me : and so that your know i am not running away ....if i was , i wouldn't be talking to you now ! no , i am walking away !! i graduated , i got accepted in a very nice collage in New York , and am gonna get as far away from you two !!

dad : how dare you say that you slut !! after all we did for you !!

i have to keep it together or else am gonna hit his sorry ass

me : did for me ?!!! what the fuck did you done for me !!!! I ....did everything for you !!! i studied my ass off for you !!! i went to every party with you trying to act like the perfect daughter for you !!!!! i was gonna run away with Jack but i stayed for you !!!!! and you didn't even bother to come to my fucking graduation !!!!! so don't say you ever did something for me !!! 

they were silent , i look at them one last time 

me : goodbye ..

and with that am out of the house , Harry was waiting for me and as soon as i walk out he was in front of me 

him : you okay ? i was coming in to find you

me : am okay am fucking great Harry free , am finally free of them

he hug me 

him : am proud of you baby proud of you , now come on let's take your bags to the house then we will go out and have dinner.

i smile and nod to him , it would be the perfect opportunity to tell him ...


as we got in the car i can't help the smile on my face , tonight will be the perfect opportunity to tell her ...

i was standing next to the door waiting for Sam , she's taking forever 

me : babe come on !! 

her : shut up !! i need to put on some lipstick and i'll be ready 

me : you don't need makeup , you beautiful , now get your beautiful ass here !!! 

he walk out of the bedroom looking hot as fuck , she was wearing a tight white dress which stop just under her ass......god that ass !!! and of course her leather jacket and boots , which i fucking love them on her ! 

me : GOD babe you look sexy as fuck !! am not sure i can let you go out looking like that 

she come closer to me 

her : what ! is Bloody Harry afraid that someone's gonna steal his girl 

i smirk 

me : over my fucking dead body 

her : i thought so , now let's go ! 

we walk out of the house and get in the car , i can't wait to tell her and see how she's gonna react 


we eat in silence , then i couldn't take it anymore , and i guess Harry too cause we look up and say at the same time

 ...... : i need to tell you something 

we burst in laughter 

him : you go first 

i take a deep breath and reach for his hands across the table 

me : promise me that you won't get mad , or hate me for it !!!

him : i promise you , babe i love and nothing you do will ever change that 

me : okay , so remember when you asked me about collage and i said that i didn't pick one yet?

him : yeah...

me : well...i , ummm , i..lied , i did applied for one......and i got accepted 

him : babe that's amaz....

me : it's in New York 

he didn't anything else , he just kept looking at me , and not able to look at him more , i look down , waiting for him to get angry to start yelling about it ..........but it never happened .

i looked back to him to see him ........smiling !!?

him : can i talk now?

being confused as fuck i just nod 

him : well , i know that you applied for that collage in NY and got accepted 

me :what

him :    i know people Sam , so i found out two weeks before i came here , and after some researches i found out that the company that i work for in California has a department in NY so i asked to be transferred there ......and they accepted it , i went to New York after 3 days form that and bought a very nice apartment .........for us , it's only 10 minutes away from your collage and 20 form my job

i didn't even realize  that i've been crying until he reach and wipe my tears 

me : i...i .........i don't know what to say Harry 

him: you don't have to , i promised to always take care of you didn't i , and am keeping my promise...

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