Chapter 23

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i was sitting on the couch still thinking about what happend , Harry is on the phone since we got back , he was calling his friends to try and found out what the fuck does these people want .

he sit down next to me and sigh , i look over to him , he looked so confused and pissed , i run my hand down his cheek and he seam to relax a little

me : what's up ?

him : no one know about them ! am trying to find out were they hang out

me : don't tell me that you realy are considering going to them ?

him : i have to Sam , i need to end this shit , i need to know what the fuck does they want !!

me : but y.....


i look down to my hands without saying anything , he sigh and take my hands in his

him : am sorry love , it's just ........i can't imagine if they do anything to you ! j-just the thought of you being in danger make me fucking crazy .

i smile

me : don't worry am safe with you

he put his forehead on mine and close his eyes

him : of course you are ....i'll never let anything happen to you

then he put his lips on mine.

him : what are you doing to me women !!

that caused me to break into laughter .


harry pull up infront of my house

him : couldn't you stay at my place

me : Harry ...we talked about this ..i can't

he hit the wheel and groan, we were silent for a moment then i say in a quit voice

me  : your going aren't you?

he look at me confused

him : going where ?

me : to ....them ? i heard you talking in the phone , your going to meet them tonight aren't  you

he nod and i feel tears in my eyes , i turn to the window so that he don't see them

me : nothing i say or do is gonna make you change your mind is it ?

him : Sam...i have to do this !

i sigh and he reach his hand and grab my chin turning my head to face him and he smile

him : are thoes tears for me ?

me : you wish !

he laugh and he wipe my tears

me : at least take one of the boys with you !!

he look at me for a moment

him : if it make you feel better then fine i'll take Zayn with me

me : good ..

he lean in and crash his lips to mine .

me : please be carful

him : am i wrong or are you worried about me

i punch him playfuly

me : shut up !!

he laugh and brush my hair away from my face then look me dead in the eyes and whisper

him : no one ever worried about me before ...or cared

my heart broke with his words and i can see hurt in his eyes , i cup his face in my hands and say

me : well Harry Styles i do ...i care about you and i want you to be safe

he close his eyes and sigh , and when he open them back he pull me in his arms

him : i care about you too Sam fucking much .

after a minute i open my door and out

me : be carful Harry

him : i will ...bye .

i give him a little smile

me : bye .

and with that he drive away taking my heart with him ....yes,  i gave my heart to Harry Styles ..

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