Chapter 21

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as we came to a stop after a 20 minutes drive , i open the door and get out only to find the most beautiful place i ever seen infront of me.

it was a big field surrounded by trees , and there was a small beautiful lake , the water was so clean, the whole place was breathtaking

me : wow ....Harry this place is amazing

him : yeah ...i come here when i need to think

me : really ?

him : yeah , why do you look surprised

me : nothing just that you look like the type of guys who go to an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere to think !

he was looking at me in shock and i tryed to keep a straight face but i couldn't , i brust into laughter

me : shill Styles , am kiding .

he sigh a little then take my hand

him : come on .

we start to walk closer to the lake , until we found a good spot near the water , it was amazing

me : this place is breathtaking !

him : i know , no one know about this place i think ! it used to be owned by an old man , then i think he passed away and no one knew about this place .

we sat on the green grass and looked at the lake .

me : i used to go to the beach with Jack all the time , we loved to swim

i could feel his eyes on me but i don't look at him

me : whenever our parents go to a business trip , we would skip school and go to the beach , we promised me that he would take me to Hawaii to teach me how to surff .

i laugh to myself and look down , i feel Harry stand , i look up to find him taking his chlothes off

me : how .....what to the fuck are you doing ?

he laugh

him : come on , we're going for a swim

me : what !! ? hell no !

him : don't make me throw your ass in there !

he stood infront of me in just his black boxer

him : so ? easy way or hard way ?

i sigh i don't have a choice

me : fine !!

i stand up and start taking my clothes off , i could feel Harry's eyes on me .

i was in my black bra and panties , i bend down to put my shirt when i hear him say

him : yeep one hell of a fat ass you got there !

stand up quickly and raise my middle finger to him , he only laugh and start making his way to the lake.

as we stand on the Edge of the lake , the water was so clear

me : so ...who's going first ?

him : how about together ?

me : okay .

i though he mean to jump together but he had something else in mind , his put his hands under my legs and back then pick me up , i start to scream


but the fucker jump .

as i catch my breath i hear him laugh , i open my eyes and he was infront of me

him : you okay cupcake

i mock him

me : you okay cupcake

and he both laugh .

i was laying on my back with my eyes closed , then i feel his hands under my back , i open my eyes and he smile to me , his beautiful smile with thoes cute dimples , i wrap my legs around his waist and he tighten his arms around me , i put my head on his shoulder and whisper

me : thank you Harry

him : for making you skip school and taking you to a place you don't know ? i could've kidnapped you !

i laugh

me : no really , thank you for this i really needed it

he kiss my noise and i find it the sweetest thing ever

him : you don't have to thank me love ..

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