Chapter 4

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I stand up and start walking towerd HArry and his friends , everyone was looking at me like i was crazy, well i am , i mean no one dare to even look at them and here i am walking to them.

I stand by the table but they dont notice me so i clear my throat and they all look at me ! Shit they were all flawless i have to give them that , their stares were sharp and scary , i swallow hard , maybe this was a bad idea , then Louis smirk and say

Louis: can i help you with something doll .

I look at him then i look at Harry and nod to him saying

Me: show me the mark

They all raise their eyebrows ! Fuck !!  I shouldn't be rude to these people but i can't be that innocent little princess that's not who i am , so i swallow and put up my bad ass act

Zayn: and what make you think that you have the same mark .

I roll my eyes and ignore him , i look at Harry and say annoyed

Me : just show me your damn mark so that i know it's not like mine and we forget about all this.

I somehow still have a little hope that we dont match , just  a little hope that the town's bad boy is not my soul mate , after a few seconds of silence he stand up take his jacket off and pull his shirt up , and as soon as he does my breath got caught in my throat !!! It's the same damn bird .

I close my eyes and try to breath ! Fuck why does this have to happen to me , then a raspy voice interrupt my thoughts

......: show me yours

I open my eyes to meet his green ones , i slowly take off my leather jacket and roll up the sleeve of my shirt and hold my wrist up , i hurd Niall and Louis gasp then Liam said to him

Liam: mate she's the one .

I put on my jacket and start walking away i can't deal with this shit right now, i just can't .

As i walk out from the exit the cool air hit my skin and i take a deep breath ! Damn !

I lean against the wall and pull out a smoke , i only somke when am stressed , as i take a deep drag i hear the door open but i dont look who is it i was too busy with my thougths, when suddenly a pair of black shooes stood infront of me and when i look up i was pushed to the wall Fuck!! Harry stood so close from my face that i feel his breath on my skin

Him: after school meet me here .

He was so intimidating , the way he talk , his stare , everything about him screams trouble , i swallow hard and say in a shaky voice

Me: w-why ?

Him: to talk about this fucking mark, and if you dont show up...

He took the cigerette from my hand then he looked at me deep in the eyes

Him: if you dont show up, your life will be a living hell , and am not joking .

My blood went cold with that, i never been so afraind....but somehow i know that he is not lying , i manage to give him a small nod , and with that he walk back inside leaving me shaking ! What the fuck did i just got into ??!!!


as the bell rang , my blood went cold , this is it !! shit ! this is the first time that i didn't want to bell to ring , as i stood up and start making my way out Jason and Sally came to me

Sally : your going to meet him ?

me : yeah ..

Jason : am coming with you

me : no , Jas....

Jason : no Sam !! am coming with you ! he 's a dangerous basterd and i am not gonna leave you alone with him .

i sigh i am not in the mood to fight with Jason

me : you can walk me to the back , put when i tell you to go you go okay?

he looked furious but he nod anyway .

we say goodbye to Sally and start walkig to the back of the school , Jason was holding my hand tight , i loved him for this , if it was someone else they would never stand up to Harry , but i know Jason would do anything for me and i was thankful to having him .

as we got closer , i could see Harry leaning on the wall so i stop and Jason turn to me

me : Jason go ...please

Jason : no ! Sam i ....

i sigh , this is the only way to make him shut up , i stand on my toes and press my lips to his , he wrap his arms aroud my waist , i break the kiss and wishper to him

me : please ....

he sigh

him : if anything , i mean anything happen call me

me : i will .

and with that i start walking to Harry who was watching my every step , when i reach him , i stand infront of him !! okay Sam you have to show him that you are not afraid of him !!!

i tap my foot and say

me : what do you want ?

he look up to me with a smirk

him : am i keeping you away from your boyfriend ?

me : yes you are , now why did you want to meet me here ?

he ignore my question

him : and does your little boyfriend knows about us ?

that caused me to break into laughter , but he didn't look very happy

me : us ?? are you fucking serious !! you don't even knwo my name and your talking about us !!

he face twist and he eyes turn black , he was breathing hard , and i knew that i got him worked up ! ahh fuck me the hell !! i am so stupid .

he backs away from the wall and start coming closer to me , i start backing away until i hit something hard ..a car ! are you fucking kiding me !!!

he was so close ...and so Damn angry and i was almost pissed myself

him : if you ever talk to me like that or laugh at me again i will fucking ruin you , got it ?

i nod slowly and move away from me and i release a long bearth ! fuck !

we were silent for a few minutes then i say

me : now what ?? is the pain gonna stop now ?

him : how the fuck am i supose to know !!

GOD ! he is such a dick !!

him : well it better does cause tonight i have a fight , and if it don't stop your going with me !

me : WHAT !!

him : when were close to each other the pain stop , and i have to win tonight , the fucking mark will distract me , so if it don't stop your coming with me cupcake !!

i think for a moment ! he is right , whenever we're together it pain stopes !! but i am not going to a fucking fight ! i hate that shit !

me : i have plans tonight !!

he look at me with a smirk and say

him : i wasn't asking .

and with that he got on his black Harley and give me one more look then say

him : you better pay that the burning in my shoulder stop or else .....i will be seing you tonight Sammantha Andersin .

and with that took off with a smirk and i was left with my mouth open

How the fuck did he know my name !!! as i start making my way to my car.... i knew one thing i so fucked ..

Birth MarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora