Chapter 10

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i was sitting on my bed studing , i was trying to ignore the pain in m wrist , i wrap it with my t-shirt to give it some presure maybe it will go away .

i put my pen down , i know hat i need ....some music .

i walk to my stereo and press play , Jason Derulo 's wiggle brust in ...just what i need .

i let my hair down and start swaying my hips with the song , i really like the song .

i stop to catch my breath when suddenly ....the pain stoped !!! thank the fucking god !!! it totally stoped !!

as i turn around to go back to my bed i scream ....Harry was at my window looking at me with a smirk .

i open the window

me : what the fuck Styles !!!! you scard the shit out of me !!

him : well i didn't want to interrupt you !

i raise my middle finger to him

me : what do you want anyway ?

him : well i thought you would be studing , and i came ...just like we agreed

i smile , he actually came for me

him : so am just gonna stay here

i laugh

me : omg , am sorry please come in .

he jump in and sit on the end of the bed , i sit on the bed and continue to study .

after about an hour and a half i start rubing my eyes , Harry was on his phone he look up

him : tierd ?

me: no , no , i have to finish this .

he shake his head and go back to his phone .

two hours later , Harry was asleep on the other side of the bed with his back to me , i was humming a song to keep me awake , then suddenly i hurd screams coming from down stairs ! no ! they are back !!! then a hear glass breaking !! not again ....


i fealt asleep with the sound of Sam's humming , she had a beautiful voice , calming voice , i liked it it made me relax .

i hurd a small whimper and i opend my eyes slowly , i hurd sniffles then BAMMM ! a loud noise came from down stairs , i turn around , Sam wasn't there , i got up and when i was about to open the door i saw her .....she was curled up in the corner of the room with her head on her ears and she was crying heart broke with the site of her like that !! she looked so ....week and hurt , i walk slowly to her and sit on my knees infront of her , i tryed to pull her hands away but she didn't want to , i pull harder and she looked at me , ad i wish she didn't , thoes beautiful brown eyes were red and puffy

me : your okay ?

she looked at me for a moment , like she didn't believe i was there infront of her , then screams came for down stairs and she brust into cries and put her head on my chest , i pull her closer and start rubbing her back

me : shhhh love , am here don't worry , i got you ...

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