Chapter 2

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i was driving to my grandma's house , she lived 20 minutes away from us.

i park my car and go in

me : granny !!!

her : oh Sammy , i missed you kid

she hug me and kissed me on the cheek

me : i missed you too granny .

i follow her to the kitchen where the smell of cupcackes and cookies fill the air , i just love grandma's house , i sit on a chair while she continue to cook.

her : so what do i own this visit ?

me : what can't i come and visit my beautiful granny !

her : okay , spill it kid ! are you pregnant?

me : GRANNDMA !! what are you talking about !!

her : then what's up ?

i laugh and shake my head , that's my granny

me : i came to ask you about my birth mark !

her : what about it ?

me : after i turned 18 it started to hurt and change , it became a bird

she stoped what she was doing and came to sit next to me , she took my hand and looked at the bird

her : oh my .... it's beautiful Sam

me : yeah , but it hurt like a bitch !!

her : well you see , not all people have this but ..they say when you birth mark start to change and start to hurt it mean that your soul mate is close to you !

me : your kiding right ?

she shake her head and look at my wrist

her : it change depending on the two persons , a bird ...a black one ...that symbolise that your soul mate has a dark secret or a dark side , the bird symbolise that your relationship will have it ups and down , it's gonna be full of love and your life together will be full of happiness .

i pull away my hand and laugh

me : relationship !!!! life !! love ! granny why would you think that i will fall in love with someone that i don't know just cause he has the same mark as me !!

her : Sammy don't understand ! this is your destiny child !! you have to or the mark will only keep hurting you ....not just you but both of you

me : you mean that who ever is " my soul mate " this shit is hurting him too?

she nod

me : well good for him ,but granny this is not the time for this , my final exams are in a month i have to get good greades to go to collage , i don't have the time for all this shit !

she stand up and smirk

her : well , i guess you only a month to find this luchky boy .

i groan and put my head on the table

me : can't i just put some cream on it and they pain go away ?

her : no child this is not something you can hide away from , and if you keep running away from it , it will only get worse .

aghhh fuck me !!


i lay on my bed , the fucking birth mark is hurting !! i remember my mom telling me that when it start to change and hurt it mean that your soum mate is near ! but why the now fuck !!

i have a lot of fights coming ! i need to pay Ashton back !! fuck this is not the time for the fucking mark !!

i get up and walk to the mirror , i look at my shoulder ! Damn my skin is red ! it's a fucking bird ! a black bird , i kinda like it , to someone else it look like tattoo ! i touch it but regret it

me : ahhh fuck ! son of a bitch .

it hurt like hell . i sit on the my bed and put my head in my hands and sigh ! this fucking mark is gonna distract me from the fight !! shit my fight is in three day ....that means that i have to find my fucking soul mate befre then

ahhhhh fuck me ...

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