Chapter 24

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as i sit on  the lunch table with my friends i keep looking for Harry but nothing !!

he didn't came to school today and i didn't see none of his friends , he doesn't pick up his phone or answer my texts !! am going fucking crazy !!

...... : SAM !!!!!

i turn back to Sally and Liz

Liz : are you even listenling to what i've been talking about ??

me : yeah ...

Sally : no she wasn't , she was busy looking for Styles

me : oh shut up !

Liz : i was telling you that Josh is throwing a party tonight i....

me : no !!!

Sally : oh come on Sam !

me : no !! guys you know i hate that dick !!

Liz : come on !!! he's the most popular and handsome boy in school and he happen to have a crush on you !!!! girls would kill to be in your place

me : yeah well i think he's a fucking dick who i can't keep his hands to himself !!

......: who's the dick that can't keep his hands to himself ?

James and Jason join us

Liz : Josh !

Jason : what happen ? what did he do ?

i groan and put my head on the table , Liz giggle and say

Liz : last year Josh had a crush on Sam ! but she hate his guts ! one time she was walking by and he slapped her ass !

Jason : WHAT??? why didn't i hear about this !!!?

i raise my head and look at him with a smirk

me : don't worry i took care of him !

the girls laugh

Sally : yeah , she punched him so hard that she broke his noise !

and we all start to laugh

Jason : that's my girl .

my smile faded a little ! Jason always called me his girl ! it never botherd me but now don't feel good anymore ! i don't like his calling me his girl ! i don't know why but i feel that it has something to do with ....Harry.

Liz : so are you going Sam !!!??? please let's go !! it's been forever since we went out !!

i think for a moment ! it is ture it's been a while since i went out ! actually i think i need a good night out ! with everything going on in my life i would love to get drunk and dance my ass off

me : fine !

the girls start to scream and the boys sigh , i really don't want to go to Josh's party but if it mean making my girls happy then i 'll go with it !

as i start making my way to my car i got a text , i got excited i thought it was Harry but it turns out to be Sally " my place in an hour we're going to start getting ready " , i sigh and get out my keys .

as i open my door i saw Zayn in the other side of the parking lot , i close my car and run to him , he was with Louis about to get in a black car .

me : Zayn !!! Zayn !!!

he turn to me and i walk to them

me : Hi Louis , Zayn

Louis : Sam ! how are you ?

me : am good

i turn to Zayn who was glaring at me ! this dude has a problem

me : where 's Harry ?

him : how should i know !

me : you went with him yesterday ! where is he ?

him : i don't know !

he open the car door and was about ot get in when i slam it shut ! okay i was pissed

me : listen to me you asshole !! i know you don't like me ! guess what i don't like your stupid ass either ! so don't make this longer on us i said where the fuck is Styles !!

he smirk which pissed me off even more , he push my against the car and step closer

him : why so pissed baby doll

i roll my eyes and he crack a little smile

him : really i don't know , i drove him back home yesterday and he's been going around the town talking with a lot of people

me : is he okay ?

him : yeah , he's fine .

i sigh and push him off

me : see that wasn't so hard .

i walk away hearing him laugh , dick !


i was in Sally's car with Liz , the bitches made me wear a short black dress with a very low cut which showed my boobs aghhh , well i did insist on wearing my black boots with it , they curled my hair and applied dark makeup on my face i kinda liked it .

as we pull up the house was already full , we walk in and all you can smell is alcohol and all you can see is people everywhere .

we took some drinks and start looking for a place to sit , we found James and Jason with some of our other friends and sat with them.


me and the boys were driving in my car

Niall : okay so tell me again ,are you sure that the guy your looking for is this dude that is throwing this party ?

me : yes , i spend yesterday asking around i am sure that it's him

Zayn : do you know him ?

me : no

Louis : then how are you gonna know him ?

me : he has a tattoo ....a number on his wrist ...224 , i'll know him .

as we pull up infront of the house Liam's eyes went wide

Liam : you expect us to find him in the middle of all these people

me : well we have the whole night !!

we get out of the car

me : okay like we said try to stay low ,  don't get into any fights and as soon as we find him we get out !

they all nod and we walk in , people were dancing everywhere , making out , girls were wearing see through tops !! GOD ! i hate thoes kind of girls ! sluts !! thank god that Sam is not the party type ! am sure she's asleep already or reading maybe !

i smile to myself but suddenly a pain shoot in my shoulder and i hadto stop and press my shoulder ....the mark !! what the fuck !! it's been a while since it stoped hurting !!!! as i press my shoulder i got i feeling that there's smething wrong ....

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