Chapter 28

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we were driving to Harry's childhood house , i know that it's hard for him , he didn't say a word since we took off this morning.

as we pull up infront of an old house Harry sigh and close his eyes , i put my hand on his knee and say in a low voice 

me : do you want a minute alone , i'll wait for you out side 

he open his eyes and look at me , he take my hand and kiss it 

him : no ! your the only thing that's keeping me sane , i want you with me 

i smile at his sweet words and we get out . he open the door and we step in , it was old and dusty and dirty .

as we walk further in the house i could feel Harry starting to breath fast , i gripe his hand tighter and he look at me 

him : i.....there's a lot of bad memories in this place 

me : so we better move fast and find this file so we can get out 

him : yeah , stay close to me for all i know some homeless drunkass could be living here .

i nod and we start to go up stairs , Harry walk in the last room , it looked like an ofice , as he started to look at all the old files i walked out and started to look at the other rooms.

 i open the first room , it was a bed room......Harry's !!! his name was written on the wall , i walk in , it  was small but comfy , i walk further in , there was a small bed but what catched my eyes was the picture of a beautiful women , it was on the nightstand , i take it and look closer , it's his mom...they looked so much alike ...

.....: i guess you found your way 

i jumpd a little and laugh , Harry come and sit next to me on the bed 

me : she's beautiful Harry 

him : i know right !!

me : you two look so much alike 

he just give me a little smile then he lower his head and say in a quit voice 

him : he hated it ! he hated that i was more like her ! at first it was normal cause he had Gemma , she was the kid that he always dreamd off , but then she meet a guy , they loved each other and she run away with him , that left him with , the boy who he never loved ! that's when the hitting and screaming begain .

tears were running down his face and he slide down to sit on the floor , i sit next to him with tears too 

him : after my mom passed away , she would always say to me " your a pussy !! you are nothing ! no one will ever love you , even your mother didn't want you she preferred to die !! you will never be free you will never be happy" !! 

that's when it hit ! that's why Harry want to get out of here so bad !! that's why he is this way !! i can't imagine  the life he had !! i look at him , his eyes were closed and tears run down his cheeks ! he looked in pain!!! hurt !!! and i couldn't take it !! i can't look at him like this ! and i knew what i had to do ! i took his arms and say to him 

me : he's wrong Harry ....

he look at me confused and i take a deep breath 

me : i.....i love you Harry ! your father was wrong your are an amazing , kind , funny guy and .....i love you !

more tears run down his cheek and he close his eyes and sigh , then he pull me in his arms and wrap his arms around me , he kiss my forehead and whisper 

him : i love you too Sam ! i fucking love you !! 

i smile and kiss him.

after a few minutes of sitting in each other 's arms i say 

me : did you find the file 

him : yeah .

me : then let's go home !

he stand up and take my hand , we walk out of the house and into the car .

as he drive away i put my hand on his knee and say 

me : do you think that they'll leave us alone now ! 

him : i hope so or else .....they have to deal with me this time 

me : no Harry please don't do anything dangerous 

he smile 

him : are you scared for me ....Sammantha 

i laugh 

me : fuck you Styles !! 

him : when and where 

me : right here , right now, how long , how hard 

and we both brust into laughter 

him : your unbelievable ....

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