Chapter 8: They Die, Or I Die

Start from the beginning

Jasper sighed. "Crazy, crazy man."

A few hours later

Sue and Harry came home from their hunting trip, both looking content. They're eyes had started to fade from red and were starting to get a bit bronze. My eyes were still the bright red color due to my weakness in Italy. I had been approached with human blood before then, and I had managed to control myself rather well. Yet this situation seemed to be a lot different. How it was different, I didn't know. But I hadn't even hesitated to drink from every single human in that room.

There was a lot of chatter going on in the room as I stared out the window, my thoughts swirling. I was trying to come up with a good plan that we could kill the Volturi, but in almost every single one there still seemed to be a lot of different ways that someone could die, and I didn't want that.

In the couple months that I had been with the Cullens, I had fallen in love with them and there ways. They were not just the family of my daughter anymore. They were now my family, too, and I loved them as I loved Bella and Renee. They would forever be my family, and I would forever be part of there's, despite whatever happens in the future.

As I was staring, I heard a clatter of something hitting the floor. Using my speed, I was in the kitchen within a split second, along with everyone else. All of us were surrounding Alice, who had just dropped a stack of DVDs. Jasper was plastered to her side, his arm around her waist and his eyes searching her face.

"Back off a bit." Jasper cautioned, waving us away. All of us took a few steps and stared at her. After about ten seconds, her blank face seemed to register everything that was around her again. She shook her head and glanced straight at me, a smiling spreading on her lips.

Harry, who was standing on one side of me, and Edward, who was standing on the other, both smiled too. I knew that they had read her mind and knew all about the vision. My one question was, what the poop was the vision? It was obviously a good one.

"What did you see, baby?" Jasper asked, his arm still firmly around her.

"I saw them coming. All of them. Even Amun."

"What?" I asked, looking at all of there faces and still not understanding.

"Carlisle mentioned to Peter and Charlotte that we had plans to take down the Volturi. They spread the word like wild fire. I giant group of vampires is coming to help take down the Volturi."

I thought back to all the stories that the Cullens had told me and recalled that Peter and Charlotte were Jasper's old friends. Amun was the member of the Egyptian Coven that was unhappy with Renesmee and everything else that he had been around and left long before the Volturi had ever shown up to.. dispose of Renesmee.

I smiled. "Are you serious?"

"Of course I'm serious!" Alice replied.

"When are they going to be here?" 

"Uh... It's tonight. They're coming here tonight."

"That soon? Why didn't you see that before."

Alice shrugged, "I guess I've been spending too much time around Renesmee, Jacob, and crew." 

We all laughed, and I felt extremely... Light. I knew that suddenly everything was going to be great. Who knew how many vampires were coming? Probably more than 35. That would give us a great advantage. Sure, they had power, but we had numbers and power. The Volturi was going down, and every single hesitation that I had before was now completely gone.

I went outside and walked to the large rock. I sat down and stared at the forest, waiting anxiously for the vampires to come. As I stared out, I could tell that everyone was staring at me, knowing exactly what I was waiting for.

I saw the first row of vampires making there way towards us. I recognized Tanya from the Denali coven. I had only met them once, at Bella's wedding, but they seemed like perfectly good people at the time.

As all of the vampires approached me, I looked back to the Cullens, a large smile on my face. Yet, the smile was wiped right off my face when I noticed that Alice, once again, had the very blank look on her face. I stood and ran to Alice's side. Jasper was plastered to her side again.

The blank look left Alice's face, and I noticed that neither Edward or Harry looked as happy as they did from the last vision. Alice turned and buried her face into Jasper's shoulder. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and was murmuring things into her ear that I couldn't hear. I looked over to Harry. 

"Please explain." I said.

"The Volturi are close behind them." Harry said.

I stared at him. No! No, no, no! This was not okay. Not even a little bit. Sure, we had just gotten the numbers, but there had been no time to make a strategy. Why did they come here? 

I ran inside and saw Bella staring at me. I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her. I knew that there was a fighting chance against the Volturi, but I knew that if I never said goodbye, I would regret it for the rest of either my life or her life.

"I love you, Bells. I love you so much." I said, stroking her back.

"What? Dad, what's going on? Other vampires are coming. We're going to make a plan and we're taking Aro and the rest of the Volturi down." Bella replied.

"The Volturi are coming. They're probably already here." I replied.

"...Where's Renesmee?" She pulled away from me and looked back at me.

"I... I don't know." 

"Right here, Mom." Renesmee said, walking into the living room.

"Renesmee!" Bella called out, running over to Renesmee. Bella took her into a large hug and held her there. I honestly thought that Bella was  never going to let go.

"What? Mom?" Renesmee asked.

"The Volturi..." Was all that Bella said. But it was enough. It was plenty enough for Renesmee to understand. She broke down into tears, burying her face into Bella's shoulder. I heard the door opened and looked over and noticed Jacob. He looked like that he had been crying. He walked over to me, and I pulled him into a hug, knowing that it was the last time that I would probably ever hug the young man that was like a son to me. 

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