Chapter 3: Why is this so hard?

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Renesmee was sitting down a recliner in the middle of the room, leaning back. She looked about 17 now, and I knew that she wasn't going to grow any older, according to what the Cullens told me. I was aware of her blood pumping through her, and I was still terribly thirsty, but I had no urge to feed from her. She didn't smell food good, she just smelled good in general. Like how I thought Bella just smelld good in general.

Jacob was sleeping in the corner in his wolf form, snoring loudly, as usual. His russet colored fur blew in the wind that was coming in through the open door. He didn't smell good at all, so I had no urge to drink from him. He was the wet dog smell that I kept on smelling.

Carlisle had taken Harry out this morning to go hunting, leaving me behind. Carlisle said that it was just for safety, so that way he didn't have to try to keep track of both of us. I had reluctantly agreed to it, even though my throat burned like someone was ironing out my throat.

So, I waited impatiently as I heard the thoughts of birds outside the window. I had never thought about it before, but I couldn't read the mind of Jacob, or any of the other wolves while they were in that form. Bella guessed that it was probably because they weren't completely animal, which made sense, but it still frustrated me. I was so used to being able to read the mind of animals, that when Jacob was here in front of me, as an animal, it wasn't exactly a great feeling that his mind was closed off to mine. 

Bella and Edward walked into the house, coming back after sleeping in the cottage. Renesmee looked to them and smiled, her beautiful teeth glinting off of the light in the room. Bella and Edward both smiled back at the same time, and at that moment, I felt silly for ever thinking that Renesmee wasn't Bella's child. 

It was so clear now, so obvious. Renesmee still had a bunch of Edward's features, but Bella was defiantly in that face somewhere. Renesmee had the eyes that Bella had before she was turned into a vampire, and her cheek bones reminded me of Bella's cheek bones.

As I tried to think about anything but blood, which was nearly impossible, Carlisle and Harry came back. Harry's eyes weren't so bright red as they were before, but they were no where near the golden color of the Cullens. I hoped that one day, he and I would have those golden eyes together. That we would no longer be the monsters that we were before.

"Shall we, Charlie?" Carlisle asked, glancing to Bella.

I nodded and stood up, looking over to Bella. I gave her a hopeful look, which she seemed to understand.

"Can I come with, Carlisle?" Bella asked, turning to the doctor.

"Of course you may, Bella. You can teach your old Pa some tricks." 

I laughed, and ran out the door. I was quickly followed by Carlisle and Bella. I could hear Jacob grumbling from being woken up. I thought "Sorry, Jacob," hoping that either Edward or Harry would pick up on my thoughts and tell Jacob.

I jumped over the river flawlessly, not even pausing to think about it. I kept running, and found myself going faster than Carlisle and Bella, which I thought was a bit strange. My thirst must've been driving me to go faster, closer to where I could finally drink blood. At this point, I didn't care if it was animal or not. I just wanted the first blood that I smelled.

Eventually, Carlisle came up in front of me and abruptly  stopped, causing me to run into him. Carlisle didn't even stumble. He just turned to me, and nodded.

"It should be safe here. Humans shouldn't be within miles of this place." Carlisle said.

Bella came over to me and grabbed my hand, leaning her head against my arm. I looked down to her. She smiled and nodded, urging me on. I took a deep breath in through my nose, smelling the scent of a mountain lion. The scent excited me, and I ran to the sight of the mountain lion.

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