Chapter 6: This is NOT Okay

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A couple weeks passed, and nothing happened.

Alice was able to figure out that we had about three months until the Volturi came, and we had learned that she was coming to not kill her but mainly just to understand her better. They're not bringing the entire guard or the wives. Only Aro, Jane, Alec, and Demetri were coming. There had been mostly a false alarm. There was no real danger.

I was mostly afraid of there powers. I knew the four of them much too well. Demetri was obviously coming so he could track her in the future. His power is to be able to track anyone he's come in contact with him. Aro could touch you and read every thought you had. Jane can make you feel like you're in pain, and Alec can make you blind and unable to move. They weren't going to get a bunch of witnesses like when they did it with Renesmee, so I was afraid that in a case of a battle, the Volturi would beat us so bad that none of us would be left standing. Well, except for Alice, Edward, and Bella, who the Volturi would force to join. 

"What if I just go to the Volturi myself?" Sue suggested one day as her, Harry, and myself were lounging in the sun, sending diamonds all over our skin.

"You're not going by yourself! Plus, I don't think going at all is a very good idea." Harry said.

"Why not?"

"They can hurt you, Sue." I said. "They could very easily just kill you, and you wouldn't even be able to withstand the fight."

"So somebody comes with me." She suggested.

"Like who? It can't be me or Charlie, and the majority of the Cullen family are too busy taking care of us." Harry replied.

"I'll go." Renesmee suggested in her sing-song voice. She had appeared from the woods, her eyes now a golden color again. She had just went hunting

I looked to Renesmee and I immediately wanted to scream at her. Is she insane? She can't go! I won't let her! None the less, I'm sure Bella and Edward won't let her either. 

"That sounds like a good idea to me." Sue said.

"Uh, heck no! Besides, Sue, you're a newborn. You're eyes are still red. You're going to be way too thirsty around those humans on the plane. Unless you go into your wolf form, but I highly doubt that flight attendants encourage that." I said to Sue.

"So we run! Sure, it will take longer, but we can get there." She said.

"And what's your plan when you get there?" I replied.

"Wait in the water until it's night time, and walk to the Volturi castle. It won't be hard. There probably won't be that many people out and about anyways. I'm sure all will be peachy."

"What if someone sees the cluster of diamonds and the slightly shiny pearl," I gestured to Renesmee, "On the way."

"We go underwater and hold our breaths." She snapped.

"Renesmee is half human, Sue! She can't hold her breath like a super human!"

"I am a super human." Renesmee cut in. "And for your information, I think that we could get there just fine and dandy."

"Okay. But ask the rest of your family. You know what they're going to say on the issue." 

There was silence in the room, and Renesmee stormed out, making it clear she was done with me. I looked to Sue, who quickly kissed Harry and turned into a wolf before running out to the woods.

I looked to Harry. Charlie had said that we could go hunting on our own. Harry, who had read my thoughts, agreed and we went to go hunt

The Next Morning

Harry and I walked into the house after just chilling in the woods all night. As soon as we walked into the house, I knew that something was wrong.

Everyone in the house was crying dry tears that they couldn't produce. The only people who weren't crying dry sobs were Emmett, Jasper, Carlisle, and Edward, who was close on the brink. Everyone looked absolutely devastated. Especially Bella. I hadn't seen a look on her face like that since Edward left her many years back.

"What happened?" I asked, taking in their expressions. I noted that neither Renesmee or Jacob were in the room.

"They're... They're gone." Bella blubbered before burying her face away in Edward's shoulder. Edward wrapped his arms around her and comforted her as I continued to stare at everyone.

"Who's gone?" I asked.

"Renesmee decided to go to the Volturi herself and let Aro touch her hand, therefor they wouldn't come here and endanger anyone." Sue explained, sipping on some blood.

I stared in absolute devestation. No. Not Renesmee. I loved her. She was my granddaughter! And she had run off to Italy!

"Jacob went with." Seth said from where he sat in the corner of the room, looking at Bella with sorrow in his eyes. 

"Renesmee asked me to shield their minds for a few hours. I just assumed that they didn't want Edward eavesdropping. It's all my fault! If I hadn't done that, Edward would've heard their plans and they would still be here." Bella said.

"Bells..." I murmured. 

She ran to me and hugged me, crying her dry sobs into my shoulder. I looked up and tried to make sense of it all. 

"After they asked for the shield, Jacob said that he was going home and Renesmee said she was going to go to the house that me and Bella own. After that happened, Jacob actually just changed into a wolf, put Renesmee on his back, and ran. They planned smart. It was raining, so their scent has already washed away." Edward said.

I took a deep breath and closed  my eyes. Crap. This is NOT okay. What if Renesmee didn't come back? What if something happened? How were they even planning on getting to Italy?

"They took some money out of the stash. They're going to be fine on food and travel." Edward explained, reading my mind. 

I took a deep breath and held Bella tighter to me. I tried to convince myself that everything was going to be okay. Maybe if I convinced myself that, I would be able to convince Bella.

Unsure of what to say, I just looked at Harry. He read my thoughts and nodded. 

We were going to Italy.

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