Chapter 13 (Part 1)

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You sat in the flower field, lost in your thoughts. You looked into the sky, imagining what every cloud in the sky looked like. You suddenly squealed, you saw Yusei pick you up. "Yusei!", you screamed. Yusei replies innocently, "Yes, darling?" You said, "Don't give me that innocent reply! What are you planning on doing, oh mischievous one?" Yusei looked at you with a weird look, "Mischievous one?" You shrug, "It fits with how you're acting right now. You have a look of mischief on your face." Yusei kissed your cheek and said, "Only with you, darling." You blushed at his reply.

Turns out, Yusei wanted to bring you back to the bakery so you could be alone once more, no interruptions. You remembered that he was still carrying you in his arms and you felt your face flush. Yusei then said, "You blush a lot don't you?" You then felt self conscious about it. Yusei quickly adds, "I think it's absolutely adorable." You feel Yusei's eyes gaze at you adoringly and you felt him set you on the back of his duel runner. He then asks in a goofy accent, "Shall we?" You giggle and respond, "We shall, my knight." Yusei giggled at your response. Yusei started his runner and said, "Hold on tight!"

Martha was back in her own home. She thought of you and your friends. She had hoped that you would come and visit her.

You both arrived at the bakery, about thirty minutes later. You then noticed something strange, "Yusei, come and look at this." It was a picture of Martha. Yusei said, "That's just weird. I wonder who put that picture there." You took the photo off the door and saw that something was written on the back. Yusei took the photo from your hand and read aloud: "This mortal will be next. If you want her to live, defeat the shadow soldiers that are keeping her captive." That was extremely unexpected. You felt a mix of anger and guilt. Why did they have to go after Martha out of all people?

You both raced to Martha's house, your heart racing with worry. It was a good thing that you had detached your duel disk from your runner beforehand. You both ran inside as Yusei desperately yelled, "Martha!" You checked all the places you could think of to see if she was there. You realized, "Yusei, this was a setup." Yusei asked, "What do you mean?" You answer, "I think that they're keeping her somewhere else. I mean, think about it. They wouldn't make us come here intentionally without having some kind of trick up their sleeve." You then saw something on the ground, shining at you. Yusei then asked, "Y/N? What is it?" You picked up some kind of necklace and looked at it closely. You whisper, "Martha's necklace." You flinched and fell to the ground, clutching your arm. Yusei helped you up and questioned, "Are you all right, darling?" Yusei saw your arm glow and gasped, "Y/N your arm is glowing!" You looked at your arm and saw that it was indeed glowing brightly. You said, "I wonder if the Crimson Dragon is trying to warn us about something." Yusei was about to speak when he saw two more duel runners pull up to the curb of Martha's house. You saw Jack and Crow run towards the both of you. You had a bad feeling right now.

Crow said, "Our marks started to glow and they led us here. What's going on?" You were the first to speak up, "We went back to the bakery and saw a picture of Martha taped to the door. There was writing on the back of the photo. It said that if we want to save her that we would have to defeat the shadow soldiers that are keeping her captive." Jack said, "Those freaks couldn't have taken Martha without reason." Jack was right. Why would they take Martha though? You realized something. You ran into the house, with all three boys yelling for you to come back.

You stopped and found yourself in the dining area. There was something on the table. You said to yourself, "I was right. They left something here. Like they want us to solve a puzzle or something." You then heard panting and saw all three boys heavily breathing. Crow said, "Remind us to never race you in a marathon." Yusei then asked, "What's going on, Y/N? Why did you run away?" You said, "I'll explain but I need you all to sit down first." They obligingly did so. Jack said, "Get to the point already, will you?" You showed them what you had discovered, making all three pairs of eyes widen with shock. You asked, "What's wrong, guys?" They all went silent at that point. Crow spoke after several minutes of silence, "Why is there a picture of all three of us when we were kids? What does this picture have to do with those spirit things?" You then reply, "Crow, look! There's something written on the back of it." He then handed you the photo and then asked, "What does it say?" You looked at the back and felt your face go pale. "Y/N you don't look so good." You read out, "Its too late, foolish mortals! The shadows have reached your friend's soul. If you want to save your beloved friend, meet us below Daedalus bridge." You fall to your knees, dropping the picture in the process, your head in your hands. You then whisper with tears, "This can't be happening. This is all my fault! I'm sorry, Martha." Yusei, Crow and Jack had looks of concern on their faces. You left the living area, hearing Yusei say, "Y/N wait!" You didn't hear him though, your thoughts an emotional mess.

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