Chapter 3 (Part 2)

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A/N: Chapter has been edited

Previously on Yusei Fudo x Reader.......

You said, "Yusei, something or someone is coming up from behind." You then heard your duel runner say, "Unknown runner approaching from behind." You heard two voices say, "We meet again, little brat."

You felt a sense of uneasiness. Who are they? Yusei then asked, "Who are you? What do you want with us?" The first voice spoke, "I am Hiro and this is my partner, Kei. I bet your little friend remembers us." You gasped. They were the thieves from before! You said, "Yusei! Those guys are bad news!" Hiro laughed, "How about a tag duel? It will be good payback for what you did to us several years ago." You felt nervous and heard Yusei reply, "If you want to duel then bring it on!" He then added, "Y/N, we can beat them. Just believe in yourself and your deck." Dark Magician Girl appeared by your side at that moment, "He's right, Y/N! It's time to kick some butt!" You said to the thieves, "Let's go!" You all said, "Let's duel!" Yusei said, "Y/N! You go first." You said, "I draw! I play Amores of Prophecy with 600 Attack points and 2000 Defence points. I then place two face downs and end my turn." All speed counters go up. Yusei then said, "My turn! I summon Sonic Chick with 300 Attack and Defence points. Also, it can't be destroyed by a monster with 1900 attack points or more. I play a face down and end my turn." Hiro said, "That won't do you any good! I summon Evoltile Odonto, with 500 ATK and 1200 DEF points. With its ability I can summon another Evoltile monster from my hand. I choose, Evoltile Najasho with 100 ATK and 2000 DEF points." He then added, "Now attack that lame chick!" You said, "Sorry Hiro but I activate a trap! Spellbinding Circle! It can't attack or change its battle position! Now you're monster is trapped."

Yusei looked at you with worry. You only had one monster on the field and he was worried that you'd lose too many of your life points in a short amount of time. He heard Hiro laugh at you, "You may have stop one monster but I have two! I play Evo-Price! With this spell I can summon another Evoltile monster and target one of your monsters. I choose Evoltile Westlo! Evoltile Westlo attack that witch!" Your life points went down to 3900. Yusei asked, "Are you okay?" You replied, "I'm fine! I'm just getting warmed up!" Kei snickered, "Get ready to be defeated! I summon Drooling Lizard with 900 ATK and 800 DEF. Now attack Sonic Chick!" Yusei's life points went down to 3600. You apologized to Yusei, "I'm sorry for getting you into this mess, Yusei." Yusei answered, "Don't be, I'm actually enjoying this!" That's a first, you thought. You heard Hiro yell, "Instead of daydreaming, why don't you get back to dueling!"

You breathed in and out. You could do this. You said, "I play Reincarnation of Hope! I discard two cards from my hand to the graveyard, I can add a monster card to my hand later." You send Tuned Magician and Elemental HERO Poison Rose to your graveyard. You hope that this will work. You added, "I summon Rose Fairy! Since it was added due to Reincarnation of Hope, I can special summon it! I then play the spell Rose Bud so I can bring back Elemental HERO Poison Rose back from my graveyard. I bring back Tuned Magician from my graveyard using the spell Monster Reincarnation." You continued, "Rose Fairy, tune with Elemental Hero Poison Rose so we can give it an upgrade! I Synchro Summon, the Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon with 2500 ATK and 3000 DEF!" You added, "I then tribute Tuned Magician to summon Dark Magician!"

Yusei's eyes widened, he had never seen you duel with this much confidence. He heard you continue, "Now my dragon is going to attack your monsters with Silver Flare! Attack Evoltile Najasho!" Hiro's life points went down to 1600. Yusei then added, "We're going to bring you guys down! I summon Junk Synchron and because I summoned it, I can summon Speed Warrior! When it's summoned it's points double until the end of the battle phase! I'm not going to leave it at that. Next, I summon Shield Warrior to the field. Now I tune Junk Synchron, Shield Warrior and Speed Warrior to Synchro Summon, Stardust Dragon! Let's rev it up! I end my turn with a face down." Kei said, "I'll just throw down a face down." You wondered if it was a trap. You decided to play it safe, "I place two cards face down and I'll get Dark Magician to attack Odanto! Dark Magic Attack!" Hiro's points went down to 900. You added, "I activate Mystical Space Typhoon, which destroys one spell or trap card on your side of the field." Kei growled. You said, "Yusei! It's time to knock them dead!" Yusei said, "Stardust Dragon, attack Hiro directly with Cosmic Flare!" Hiro's life points went to zero and he lost control of his runner. Kei said, "I'm going to attack your friend directly! Attack Drooling Lizard!" Yusei's life points went down to 2500. Kei added, "I summon Ancient Lizard Warrior and I'm going to get it to attack you directly!" Yusei's point went down to 1100.

You thought, "I'm sorry, Yusei." You said, "It's my turn! Attack Azure-Eyes with Silver Flare!" His points went down to 2400. You added, "Now Dark Magician is going to attack with Dark Magic Attack!" His life points went down to 100. Yusei added, "Now Stardust Dragon will attack you directly! Attack with Cosmic Flare!" Kei growled, "We'll get you next time!"

You couldn't believe it! You and Yusei won the duel. You felt relieved, you didn't think that you would pull it off. Dark Magician appeared and congratulated you, "Well done, Lady Y/N!" You said, "I think I went overboard again." Dark Magician shook his head, "You did amazing!" Yusei was beside you and he exclaimed, "You're really good." You blushed and answered, "I think I went overboard." Yusei said, "No way! I thought that last move was amazing! That dragon is sure something." Before you could answer, Yusei asked, "Y/N, isn't that Jack's duel runner?" He was right. What was Jack doing here? Jack asked, "Where the bloody hell were you two?!?" Before you could say anything, Yusei answered, "We got caught up in a duel with these thieves but Y/N defeated them." You objected, "You helped though, Yusei. I couldn't have defeated them without your help." You added, "I'm sorry, Jack. This is my fault. If we never went out then we wouldn't have gotten involved with those thieves." Jack then said, "No apologies needed. To be honest, I kind of wanted to watch you duel, Y/N." You were surprised, you didn't think that Jack would be so calm about it.

You had gotten back to the bakery later in the morning, you kept thinking of the duel. How did you even duel without messing up? "You look like you're deep in thought", a voice said. You turned around and saw the owner of that voice, Crow. You answered, "Oh hi Crow." Crow asked, "What are you thinking about?" You couldn't lie so you answered honestly, "I can't stop thinking about the duel. I thought that I would mess up somehow and lose it. Somehow I managed to stay calm and duel like its my forte." Crow looked at you and said, "Really? Yusei said something totally different." Before he could say anymore, Crow was being pulled away by Leo and Luna. You giggled and heard Crow yell, "Let me go guys! Y/N and I were talking!" Luna said, "You can talk later." You suddenly felt someone pull your arm. You were met with Jack's gaze. He said quickly, "Come on, come on! Everyone wants to hear you talk about the duel!" You felt yourself exhale and sat beside Yusei. You took a deep breath and began to speak, "When I was younger, there was a rumour going around that there was a group of thieves that killed people just to create their own hideout from the place they attacked. At the time, I was practicing my dueling skills with my uncle. I never believed the rumours until those thieves threatened to kill both my aunt and uncle. They wanted to turn the bakery into their hideout. They made a deal with me: duel them and if I won, they would leave us alone but if they won, they would make me their slave." You paused and heard Jack ask, "Why would you make such a risky deal like that?" You continued with uncertainty, "They never cared about the people they hurt or what place they attack. I decided to do what I thought was best: I knew it was risky but they would never make a compromise. If I didn't duel them, then I would lose everyone and I would feel so much guilt because of it. When I duelled them both, I thought I won because of luck. They had a monster that was really strong. I thought it was anyway. It had 2100 attack points and I thought that I would lose for sure.I took a huge risk and I played the most powerful card I had at the time." Leo asked you excitedly, "What card was it, Y/N?" You answered, "Dark Magician Girl. It was the first card Y/UN gave me when I started dueling." Leo exclaimed excitedly, "Now I want to duel you, Y/N!" Luna rolled her eyes and said, "Leo!" You then said, "I'll finish the story later. I'm going to go get some air." You left the living room quickly, averting your eyes.

Yusei said, "We should cheer Y/N up. She seems upset about what happened?" Akiza asked, "What do you mean?" Yusei explained, "When we were dueling those two guys, she had a look of uneasiness in her eyes, not only that she looked like she wanted to cry." Everybody looked at Yusei with grave concern.

You went back outside to take a breather. You saw your runner and decided to do a bit more maintenance on it. You wanted to get your mind off the recent conversation you had just had. You looked at the duel disk attached to it and quietly sighed. You kept thinking of how the duel went. Did they really want to hurt your aunt and uncle? What was their motive and what did they want? You then thought of the new duel tournament in New Domino City. You heard someone ask, "You okay?" You turned to see Yusei looking at you with concern. You said nothing and felt Yusei's hand on your shoulder. He spoke gently, "You must be feeling upset right now. It's okay to not smile but don't bring yourself down over the past. Think of the future." You said, "Yusei." He then said, "Come on. I bet you want to train for that duelling thing." You smiled, "I swear you're a mind reader. Alright, let's do it." You added, "There is one thing I do know." Yusei asked, "What?" You answered, "That you're good at making me feel better. Thank you." He said nothing and brought you into a tight hug. No words were needed for Yusei to say that he will help you.

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