Chapter 9 (Part 1)

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A/N: I'm not going to write how all the duels went because it's hard on my brain. 😣Anyway, I kind of skipped Luna and Akiza because I didn't want to keep rambling on and on. Sorry! Let's just say there's a huge cliffhanger. I know you guys like long chapters, and I'm trying. *hides from annoyed readers*

You agreed with what Yusei had said. You needed to think of a way to defeat them without sacrificing your own life. You kept thinking of Yusei. You honestly wished that somehow you could bring Dr. Fudo back but you knew that it wasn't possible. Yusei sat beside you, he looked like he wanted to say something. You placed your hand on his shoulder, "Let me know if you want to talk." You added, "Its getting late, Yusei. We should head back." You thought that Yusei would say something back, but he was silent. Yusei had suddenly hugged you, making you flinch in surprise. You hugged back, feeling the muscles on his back. You heard him say, "Thank you, Y/N." You were confused, "Why are you thanking me? I never did anything." Yusei responded, "You're so kind and humble, Y/N. You helped me when I was hurt, you-" You shook your head, causing Yusei to fall silent. You said, "I appreciate your kindness but I'm still human, Yusei. I still make mistakes and I'm still learning from them. Everyone is. I may be kind but I'm way too shy." Yusei's hand touched your cheek, "I love your shyness. I think that it's really cute and I think that you're fine the way you are." You blushed and buried your head into Yusei's broad chest. You heard Jack yell, "Come on you two! It's getting dark!" You quickly pulled Yusei by his arm and you both went on your runners. Jack and the others went towards the warehouse, while you and Yusei went towards your house. You bid everyone farewell and headed for your destination.

You couldn't believe that you had seen the spirit of the late Dr. Fudo, you thought that you were dreaming. You felt a sense of empathy towards Yusei, you understood how he felt.

Yusei sat on the futon thinking to himself. He whispers to himself, "What connection does my father have with the shadow spirits?" He looked at his mark, and traced the outlines of it. Yusei laid there, restless. He couldn't sleep after what had happened. He decided to close his eyes, hoping that he would fall asleep. He tried that and it didn't work. He looked at the ceiling and sighed. His train of thought then went towards you. He knew what his feelings were but he had to hide them in order to protect you. If he told you now, in his mind, he would be hurting you without realizing it.

*******A week later*******

It was now time for the Duelling Cup. You were panicking since you didn't choose your partner before. You all stood in the arena (except Leo, who decided to cheer you all on), waiting to be introduced. The MC exclaimed, "Hello everyone! Welcome to the Duelling Cup where only one duo, one team will be crowned the Duelling Cup Champions! Now to introduce our contestants! He is the Shining Star of the Satellite and last year's Fortune Cup King, Yusei Fudo! Next we have the Master of Faster, the one, the only, Jack Atlas! Now presenting The Black Rose, Akiza Izinski! Next we have the speaker of the spirits, Luna! Next, she is called the Spellcaster maven, Y/N L/N! Beside her, she is called the master of insects, its Flutter! Next to her is the the whiz of all things reptile, Hunter Pace! Next our last minute entry, the mysterious Vesper! Next the master of Blackwings, Crow Hogan! She's the queen of nature, Ivy! Now introducing Yuri, the master of winged beasts! Finally please welcome, the fierce Raven!" The MC continued, "This Cup will be a bit different than the Fortune Cup. Duellists will be put in a team of two, the duos will then square off against each other fighting their way to the top. Whoever defeats their opponents during the final round will be crowned the Duelling Cup Champions! The computer will randomly generate our teams.....NOW!" You all watched the computer and you prayed that you wouldn't mess up on the first day of the competition. That's when the computer stopped and showed its pairs:

Pair 1: Ivy + Flutter
Pair 2: Hunter + Vesper
Pair 3: Jack Atlas + Crow Hogan
Pair 4: Akiza Izinski + Luna
Pair 5: Y/N L/N + Yusei Fudo
Pair 6: Raven + Yuri

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