Chapter 6

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The nine of you (including Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl) were trying to figure out how the bright lumination was part of the spirits' disappearance and what would awaken from the stolen spirits. You felt frustrated, "Why is this so hard to figure out?!?" You laid on the grass and sighed with annoyance. You stared at your arm and said, "Out of all people, why me? Why do I have the left wing of that dragon on my arm?" Yusei could tell that you were frustrated, but he had never seen you like this before. He sat beside you and said, "I know you want to find out who or what the cause of this is, Y/N but getting frustrated won't help." You sighed, "I guess you're right. It's not just that, I was just wondering why the Crimson Dragon gave me the mark of its left wing. It doesn't make sense." Yusei answered with uncertainty, "The Crimson Dragon chooses people it thinks is worthy of having its mark. Maybe it chose you out of coincidence." You shrugged and felt the wind caress your hair.

You suddenly felt your mark burn with pain. Yusei gave you a look of concern. You said, "Something isn't right. Something's coming and it's coming fast. Get the others, NOW!" Yusei ran to get the others like you asked. It was just you and your spirit friends. The evil spirit cackled, "Fools! You think that this will come and go? After all the spirits are absorbed, the Great One will awaken! No one can stop it, not even a mortal girl like you." The spirit faded, cackling as it went.

Yusei came back with everyone and you felt a sense of uncertainty take over. Dark Magician said, "You all just missed it." You added, "The voice from before came back and said something about 'awakening the Great One'. The spirits aren't disappearing, they're being absorbed somehow." Akiza asked with confusion, "What do you mean? Can't it be reversed?" Dark Magician Girl answered, "That's the problem. We don't know who or what is doing it." She added, "I think that you should all go back to your own world. We can't communicate normally but we can communicate through Y/N." Dark Magician nodded, "Lady Y/N is not the only way. Your friend Luna can also help us. If she is willing to." Luna said with determination, "If it helps you in any way, I'd be happy to help." You nodded, "Thank you, Luna." "Hopefully, we can figure this out soon.", you thought.

You wanted to know more about that light but decided against it. You felt annoyed at the fact that you couldn't help the spirits protect themselves from whatever was absorbing them and making them vanish.

It had been a couple of hours later, you were back in your bedroom at home, thinking of what had happened today. There was only one person you could think about right now. Yusei Fudo. You didn't understand why he wanted to risk his life for something that was not his problem. Sure he wanted to help, but you didn't want him to get hurt by something more powerful than the Crimson Dragon. You thought it was anyway.

Akiza felt a sense of anxiety overwhelm her mind. Not only was there a new threat, but it was one that no one could spot. She stared at her mark and thought back to what had happened in the spirit world. When everyone had discovered that you were a Signer, it had stunned Akiza the most. She felt her mark glow with urgency, quickly sensing that something was coming. Akiza raced out of the warehouse, finding everyone else staring at the sky again.

The sky was shining with a scarlet hue, something was coming and it seemed very angry. You were slightly panicking, running out to see what was going on, with Y/AN and Y/UN following behind you. Your Signer mark began to glow brightly with menace. Y/AN and Y/UN suddenly screamed, as they disappeared right in front of you. You screamed, "NO! COME BACK!" You then heard someone laughing evilly and the voice said, "It's too late, mortal. Their spirits are now given to the Great One!" You were angry and you asked, "Why do you need human spirits?!? Aren't duel monster spirits enough?!?" The voice answered, "It doesn't matter what type of spirit it is, as long as it's fed to the Great One, no one will stop it." The voice faded away, leaving you feeling helpless. You collapsed, crying at the fact that you couldn't save them. You screamed, "NO!!!!"

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