Chapter 15 (Part 1)

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A/N: Some of this duel is taken from one of the episodes (episode 67) and I am trying to change it up. I'm leaving the parts where Yusei gets up to the point where he uses Tuner's Explosion (except when Debris Dragon attacks). I'm not going to add the part where Debris Dragon attacks, I'll just put that he ends his turn. I would also like to add that this final battle will be in 3 parts because it is a long battle. Trust me. If I put the final battle in a later chapter, it wouldn't make sense. Anyway, enjoy the chapter! Comment on what part made you feel shocked the most.

You stared at the piece of paper, lost for words. How? Trudge waves his hand, "Earth to Y/N!" You didn't hear him, lost in your own world. You jumped when you felt a hand on your shoulder. Akiza asked with concern, "Are you okay, Y/N?" You apologize, "I-I'm sorry." You feel Akiza's hand pull away, and you felt like something terrible was about to occur. Akiza looked at you and said, "We've lost her." Your heart felt troubled at the new revelation, words stuck in your throat. What were you supposed to say?

You had been standing in the same spot for almost thirty minutes, blank look stuck in your (e/c) eyes. You feel the piece of paper being wrenched out of your hands, meeting a pair of worried grey eyes. "Crow." Crow tells you, "Y/N I know it's something shocking but you can't bear this weight alone." You heard a voice reply, "Crow's right, you can't just take them on alone." You turned around to see Jack crossing his arms as he spoke. Jack looks at you and adds, "I get the feeling that you're not telling us something." What were you supposed to tell them? You sigh and admit, "There is one thing." You go on to explain the legend of the seven protectors to the gang. You just hoped that they would believe you.

You sat at a table, looking at the so called "kill list" once more. You say to yourself, "They must have some kind of other motive. They can't just have something like this without having some kind of backup plan if it doesn't work." You had not heard from your spirit friends for a long time, which began to worry you. Everyone had gone out for a walk (except for Crow, who had stayed behind), leaving you to stare into space once more. You heard the chair beside you creak, which meant that Crow was now sitting beside you. You quietly utter, "This doesn't make any sense, Crow." Crow gave you a puzzled look, "What d'you mean?" You answer, "They can't just have something like this without having some kind of plan. It just seems too suspicious. It's like they want us to find them so they can have us out of their skin once and for all." Crow replies, "You're reading into this too much. I'm sure there's some kind of explanation that will clear up this mess." If only it was that simple, you thought.

What was going to happen now? That was the first question you thought of. That was the only thing on your mind.

You suddenly heard something crash, causing you to fall out of your chair and on to the floor. "Every time", you mumble with annoyance. You get up off the floor to see a black book lying there. You pick it up, placing it on the table. You suddenly heard Mina's voice, "There's my planner!" At least it's not on the ground. You then ask, "Hey Mina?" She replies, "Yes, Y/N?" You ask, "Where is everyone?" Mina answers, "Akiza, Leo and Luna are at school at the moment. Yusei, Crow and Jack are back at the warehouse. Why?" You shake your head, "No reason. I was wondering if we could talk." Mina looked concerned. You go on to tell Mina about the carvings and the connection to the Crimson Dragon. Mina's eyes widened, "That sounds dangerous." You sigh, "It's something that's affecting everyone. You can't exactly stop it from happening, unless you completely keep your mind blank."

Leo and Luna listened to what their teacher was saying. Leo fiddled with his jacket as he listened. The Vice Chancellor came in with a very annoyed expression on his face. He said to the students, "You peons are terrible duellists! You're monsters are weak and useless! I'm going to expel your entire class!" The door abruptly opened, revealing an equally annoyed Akiza. The Vice Chancellor exclaims, "Here comes a real duellist!" Akiza spoke, "You can't expel them just because of that! They're still learning how to duel. It seems a bit unfair."

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