Chapter 15 (Part 3)

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Previously on Yusei Fudo x Reader..........

Zaros adds, "The true battle will begin now.'' You all saw Veiyan appear, "Now pitiful humans, you will fall before the shadow spirits!"

Veiyan said, "To make this duel fair, we'll all start fresh but I will start at 32 000 Life Points." You reply, "I say that we start at 28 000 Life Points, that's only fair." Veiyan sighs with annoyance, "Fine. I'm starting first though." Veiyan said, "I'm not in a rush to start this duel."

You quietly drag Yusei by the arm, causing everyone to follow behind him. Yusei asked, "Y/N what's wrong?" You answer, "This is the final battle. We have to give it everything we have, not just for our sake but for the sake of humanity. We have to combine our skills to bring down the shadow spirits." Jack questioned, "What kind of monsters does this shadow creep have, Y/N?" Akiza adds, "We don't know what we're up against and you're the only one that knows everything about these spirits." You think, "I think Veiyan uses mostly Dragon and Fiend monsters. From what I remember, his ace card is Star Eater. It's powerful but we can defeat Veiyan."  You add, "Let's do this!" You put your hand in the middle, "Let's do this for my aunt and uncle." Yusei put his hand over yours, "For our friends." Akiza adds, "For the people who helped us through thick and thin." Everyone put their hands in and you all said in unison, "Let's go!"

Veiyan said, "You humans better be ready for what I have in store for you!" Yusei spoke, "We're ready!" You add, "This time, we're going to show you our true power as a team!" Veiyan scoffs, "You peons? A team? I think you're all delusional. I'm surprised that you haven't surrendered yet." Over confident much. Jack said, "Let's just get on with the duel already!" Veiyan says, "Impatient are we?" You shook your head at Jack and said, "It's not worth replying." Jack looked like he wanted to tear Veiyan's head off, but just kept quiet. You were even more anxious than before, your heart racing like there was no tomorrow. How were you supposed to repress your true feelings?

Yusei knew that this duel was critical, testing the teamwork between everyone. His eyes scanned the surroundings of the temple. He was more worried about your injury from the duel with Zaros. Yusei saw the look in your eyes, they were full of something, not hatred, but guilt. Why were  you feeling guilty?

Veiyan said, "Hurry up you peons!" Veiyan sounded impatient but you knew that he would try to get this duel finished as quickly as he could. You all said, "Let's do this!" Veiyan spoke with a smirk, "I'm going to make this quick. I have a world to take over." He continued, "Now I'm going to show you humans what true power is about! First, I sacrifice my level 5 Parrot Dragon and level 3 Lizard Soldier in order to summon, the Tri-Horned Dragon!" Not only does he have a powerful monster, you all don't have any monsters to protect you. Veiyan concludes, "That is all for now. Now humans, show me what you can do!" What were you all going to do now?

You look at your enemy's side of the field, one monster and no face down cards. Strange. You thought that he would at least have one trap or spell card on his side. Jack said, "That's one powerful dragon." You nod, "We have to figure out a way to get him to summon his Star Eater somehow." Yusei gave you a puzzled look, "Why? Shouldn't we just wait until we have him cornered?" You gave him a reassuring look, "Just trust me, guys. I have a plan but it's going to take a little bit of cooperation." Yusei replies, "Now that we have a plan, we can kick this shadow spirit's butt." There's the Yusei you know and love. You add, "Please be careful. He is a powerful spirit that can defeat someone in one turn." Crow asked in surprise, "A one turn kill?'' You nod, "Yes, Crow. A one turn kill. He just needs the right cards and he can do so."  You ask, "So.....who's wants to start?" Yusei said, "I'll go first." Akiza chimed in, "I'll go after Yusei." Jack said, "I'll go third." Luna said, "I can go after Jack." Crow pipes in, "I'll go after Jack." Leo looked at you and asked, "Do you want to go after Luna, Y/N?" You shake your head, "I can go last, I don't mind." Leo said, "I guess I'm after Luna." You speak up, "I guess I'm last. Not that I mind, of course." You add, "Alright, Yusei. Good luck."

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