Chapter 4

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It was the next day and you were exhausted. You had been training for the tournament but felt like you were getting nowhere. Yusei came into your room and asked, "Can we talk for a second?" Yusei continued, "I'm thinking of going back to the warehouse. I think we've caused enough trouble for you. It's nothing against you, Y/N. Don't worry." You answered quietly, "Actually, I was going to ask you if you were going to go back there. I was thinking that you and your friends need some time together, without me." Yusei answers, "Thank you, Y/N." You heard several voices downstairs and you both went to investigate. You saw everyone talking, but then it went silent when they looked up. Akiza spoke first, "I'm going to take Leo and Luna home. Bye, Y/N, nice meeting you!" Leo and Luna waved happily as they followed Akiza. Crow spoke next, "Jack and I will meet you at the warehouse, Yus." They both waved and disappeared into the day. Yusei then said, "Thank you for everything. If it wasn't for you, I would've been stuck resting on a couch for who knows how long." Yusei then whispered into your ear, "Until me meet again, Y/N L/N." You felt your cheeks redden. You bid Yusei farewell and watched his duel runner fade into the distance.

********Two weeks later********

Your life had gone back to "normal" since Yusei and everyone else left. You kept thinking of what Yusei said two weeks ago. The thought made you blush harder than when he told you. "Maybe this friendship was worth what happened", you thought.

Yusei and the others arrived at the warehouse only to be met with the angry gazes of their friends. The first one to speak was Martha, who had come to visit them earlier. She asked, "Where were you?!? We were all so worried about all of you!" Crow was the first one to respond, "Martha, please calm down. We'll explain everything." Crow went on to explain how Yusei had been caught in an explosion and how they ran into you. Jack added the fact that Yusei was badly injured and knocked unconscious due to the impact. Yusei then said, "Apparently according to her, I was knocked out cold when she arrived at the scene of the explosion. My duel runner was also in bad shape. She was nice enough to try and fix my runner." Martha then asked, "What was this girl's name?" Yusei, Jack and Crow answered simultaneously, "Y/N L/N." Yusei then added, "Actually the truth is, when I woke up I didn't know where we were. I had heard the sound of a wrench and I followed the sound. That's when I saw her fixing two duel runners, she seemed startled at first but she was very calm. She then told me what happened and introduced herself to me." Martha then asked, "How are your injuries now?" Yusei answered, "Better now."

Yusei told Martha about the duel you and him had with the two thieves that knew you from your past. Yusei explained, "Y/N looked really nervous and she kept apologizing to me. She didn't want to get me involved in the duel. I told Y/N to believe in herself and in her deck. While we were dueling, they had played a monster that was about to destroy my only monster and she was fast when it came to strategizing on the spot." As he was about to continue, Mina Simington rushed through the doors. Mina asked in a panicked tone, "Is Jack okay? Where is he?" Jack stepped in and said, "I'm here, Mina. Calm down." Jack gave her a brief explanation of what happened. Mina and Martha both looked at each other, nodding. Mina said, "Let's go pay this friend of yours a visit."

You were sitting in your room, reading a newspaper. You saw nothing unusual, just typical things like sports, literature, etc. You decided that you would visit Yusei and your new friends. Your aunt and uncle closed the bakery that morning. You were happy they did. You grabbed your helmet and drove off on your runner.

About 20 minutes later, you felt lost. You then heard two familiar voices ask, "Y/N?" You turned around to see Leo and Luna. You waved shyly and they ran up to you. Before you could say anything, a tanned woman and a blue haired girl ran up to the twins. Following behind them was Akiza, Crow, Jack and finally Yusei. The tanned woman and the blue haired girl both asked, "Who are you?" Before you could answer, Akiza ran up to you and hugged you. Surprised at first, you hugged her back with happiness. Akiza said, "Martha and Mina, this is Y/N." Leo and Luna tackled you into a happy hug, before the tanned woman, Martha said, "Let's talk inside." You nodded and were brought inside. You almost forgot that you had your duel disk attached until the blue haired girl asked, "Are you a duelist?" You nodded, "Let me introduce myself. My name is Y/N L/N. I helped Yusei when he was caught up in that explosion." Yusei nodded, letting you continue, "One day, Yusei and I went for a drive and we were suddenly caught up in a duel. I felt scared, the people we were dueling tried to kill my aunt and uncle so they could use their bakery as their new hideout. I dueled them in the past, saving my aunt and uncle. The thieves said they wanted revenge on me and Yusei got caught up in it." Yusei then continued from where you left off, "They weren't any ordinary duellists. It's like they wanted to finish us off with just a move or two. Y/N was amazing though, when it came down to the wire, she ended the duel with an amazing attack combination. Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon and Dark Magician." You clarified, "I'm a duellist that specializes in Spellcasters. I sometimes use plants and dragons from time to time. I'm not that great, Yusei's exaggerating." Mina didn't sound convinced, she said, "Why don't you duel Jack if you're so great?" What have you gotten yourself into?

You and Jack stood in front of each other, duel disks ready. Jack said, "I maybe your friend but I'm not going easy on you, Y/N." You answered, "Bring it on, Jack!" You both said, "Let's do this!" You said, "You can go first Jack!" He said, "With pleasure! By discarding 3 Fiend-type monsters from my hand to the grave, I can summon Dark Necrofear! I then throw down two facedowns and end my turn." You said "My turn!" You were nervous, not only did Jack summon a powerful monster, who knows what trap he had in store for you. You continue, "First I discard two spells from my hand to the grave and then I summon Amores of Prophecy! When I summon her, due to her ability, I reveal a Spellbook spell! Hidden Spellbook!" Jack looked confused, "What does that do?" You continued, "It lets me bring back two spells from my grave and shuffle them into my deck. Again due to Amores' ability, I can special summon a Level 4 or below monster from my hand! I choose Apprentice Magician!" A spell counter appeared in front of Dark Necrofear. Jack asked, "What is that?" You answered, "When I summon this Spellcaster from my hand I can place a spell counter on the monster I'm targetting. If this card is destroyed I can summon a level 2 or below Spellcaster type monster from my hand. I then summon Trance, the Magic Swordsman! Attack Dark Necrofear!" Jack said, "I play Negate! I can negate your attack!" You said, "Fine. Your turn." Jack said, "I summon Cyber Archfiend! It let's me draw one more card. With that I end my turn." You said, "Alright its my move! I send Arcanite Magician and Damage Mage from my hand to the graveyard. I summon Chaos Sorcerer. With my sorcerer's special ability, it can't be attacked. Sadly I can't attack you but I can banish one of your monsters! I choose Cyber Archfiend!" Jack's life points went down to 3000. You added, "With that, I end my turn." Jack said, "Necrofear, attack that swordsman!" Your life points went down to 1400.  Jack added, "I end my turn!" You exhaled and responded, "It's my move! I summon Crystal Seer and Effect Veiler!" You moved one card to your hand and smiled, you placed the other on the bottom of your deck. You continued, "I tune Effect Veiler with Chaos Sorcerer to summon the Black Rose Moonlight Dragon! I then tune my dragon with the Dark Magician Girl in my hand to summon, Dark Magician Girl, the Dragon Knight! I'm going to get my Dragon Knight to attack your Necrofear!" Jack's points went down to 400. You added, "Now, Amores will attack you!" Jack's life points went down to 0 and Mina looked shocked. You went up to Jack and helped him up.

You said, "Good duel, Jack." Jack looked annoyed and muttered, "Whatever." Akiza said, "I didn't know that you had a Black Rose Dragon, Y/N." You stammered, "It didn't come up?" You were on your knees, "I can't believe that I beat Jack Atlas in a duel." You saw a hand in front of you. You looked up to see a happy Yusei, he helped you up and said, "You never fail to surprise me, Y/N." Mina went up to you and said, "You're really good." You blushed and waved it off, "I'm not like Jack or Yusei. I guess I went a bit overboard with the monster summoning."

Later on, you remembered something, "Oh yeah! I brought something from the bakery for you!" You brought out a delicious looking strawberry shortcake. You said, "Think of it as a thank you for everything you've done for me." Leo was jumping around happily at the sight of the shortcake, making you laugh. You cut up the shortcake, giving everyone a slice.

Yusei watched you laugh and smile. His stomach began to fill with butterflies. What was this feeling? He shook it off and took a bite of the shortcake. A sweet strawberry flavour filled his tastebuds and he smiled happily. Yusei knew that he had to protect you, no matter what.


Elsewhere, a group of people went into a stadium and were setting up for a tournament. Unbeknownst to them, a new threat loomed over the tournament.

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