Chapter 1

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It was just a normal day for you in the Satellite. You were helping (Y/A/N) and (Y/U/N) in their bakery as they opened it up for the day. Your parents disappeared when you were little, so you had vague memories of them. You sighed and took the bread in your hand to the front counter. Your uncle asked you, "Are you okay? You seem a bit down." You shrugged, "I guess I'm just spacing out." Your aunt smiled, "She's just overthinking as usual." You objected, "I am not! I'm just thinking about Violet." Your aunt chuckled, "You love that duel runner a lot." You shrugged again and went back to helping (Y/U/N).

You told your aunt and uncle that you needed to clear your head. You walked through the streets of Satellite and felt someone speak, "Lady Y/N, are you alright?" You nearly jumped and realized who it was. You spoke quietly, "I'm fine, Dark Magician Girl. I'm just spacing out and I told you to call me Y/N." She chuckled, "My apologies." She added, "I sense another being with a similar gift to yours, milady. I can sense them." You replied, "I'm a freak. I see duel monster spirits and people think I'm going crazy." The spirit answered gently, "You're no freak, Y/N. You're a special duellist and you're a skilled one too." She added quickly, "I'll leave you be, milady." She disappeared and you stared at your belt. "Maybe she's right", you thought mindlessly.

You went back to the bakery and saw your aunt running around. You asked her, "What's going on, auntie?" She replied worriedly, "I don't have enough flour for the rest of the desserts!" You replied calmly, "I'll go out on Violet and grab some." She hugged you and answered, "Thanks, honey! Appreciate it!" You giggled and grabbed your helmet. You start Violet and make your way to the supermarket. As you ride your runner, you see a pale white runner speed past you with a ruby one following it. You wonder, "What's going on? There can't be a turbo duel at this time of day." You watched as they raced and felt yourself fall on the ground. A figure from the ruby duel runner raced to your side and asked, "You alright?" You shyly nodded, cheeks burning with embarrassment. He turned around when he heard another voice say, "Come on, mate! We have to go!" The duelist said to you, "I'll see you later." When he drove away, you thought, "I wonder if I'll see that guy again."

You returned to the bakery once again, flour in hand and saw the relieved look on your aunt's face. Your uncle emerged from the back of the bakery and asked, "Y/N, could you go help (Y/AN) with the rush?" You nodded and placed your helmet on the coat hook. You greeted your usual customers with a smile and spoke shyly. You handed an elderly lady the muffins she ordered and she smiled. The elderly lady asked, "Are you going to be in the new dueling tournament, sweetie?" You quickly shook your head and answered, "No, if I did enter then I would be eliminated within the first 30 seconds." (Y/AN) objected, "You need to be more confident! You're a pretty good duellist, dear." Once again you answered, "Pretty good isn't good enough, auntie. Only the best can get into that duelling tournament." The elderly lady said her goodbyes and left the bakery. If only you were more confident in yourself.

You were outside, doing maintenance on Violet Sorceress. Instead of Dark Magician Girl being by your side, Dark Magician watched you test your engine. He spoke, "I see that you've been doing well, Lady Y/N." You asked, "How have you been?" Dark Magician replied, "I've been well, milady. Although I would like to speak to you about something." He sounded worried, to you he was a calm and wise spirit. This was very unlike him. You questioned worriedly, "Should I be concerned? Is something wrong in the spirit world?" He spoke quickly, "No, no! Nothing like that, Lady Y/N! I was going to ask about the duelling tournament you spoke about with your aunt." You added with relief, "Oh thank goodness! You nearly scared me half to death." The wise spirit answered, "My apologies, Lady Y/N. I didn't mean to alarm you in any way." As you were about to speak you saw Alchemic Magician beside him. You grabbed a wrench and tightened one of the tire's bolts. Dark Magician spoke to Alchemic Magician with annoyance, "You know it's kind of rude to pop in on a conversation like that." She rolled her eyes and said, "You're not the only one that wants to see, Lady Y/N." You spoke lightly, "Now, now you two. I'm sure everyone feels the same way." You added, "Besides, even if I do enter that tournament, there's no chance that I'll win." Then Dark Magician Girl appeared, "What's going on?" Alchemic Magician then said, "Lady Y/N is talking about a new tournament!" You gave her a brief explanation about the topic and she nodded in understanding. Dark Magician Girl spoke to her teacher worriedly, "I began to feel a dark presence in the spirit world. It is threatening everyone that comes in their way." Dark Magician answered calmly, "If it's a very large one then we have to go back immediately." You asked, "How bad was it?" She answered, "It's like all the spirits have vanished." Dark Magician spoke, "Lady Y/N we must leave now. If the presence becomes stronger, the spirits will vanish before we can reach them." You nodded and they bid you farewell.

You felt uneasy after hearing that duel monster spirits were vanishing. You didn't think that something this extreme would happen so fast. You shook your head and went back to working on your duel runner, which needed a lot of maintenance since the night you ran into that mystery duellist. You remembered the colour of the duel runner. You told yourself, "I need to get this done! If I don't I'll forget!"

Would it really affect you? What was the source of these vanishing acts?

Yusei Fudo x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora