It's Not Gay Porn..

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Ahh the title, I had to xD

"What's with you?" Asher asked at lunch.

"Huh?" Stiles snapped out of his daze.

"You're acting weird today."

"Dude, you haven't even known me for two weeks yet. How do you know what's acting weird for me?"

Asher just glared at him. "Dude, just... What's up?"

Stiles shrugged and took a drink of his water.

"Tell meeee."

"Fine, but um. It might be.. It's going to be awkward for you to hear."

Asher looks at Stiles suspiciously, "okay..."

"I think.." Stiles lowered his voice, "I might be gay..?"

"Is.. Is that a question? Are you asking me?" Asher laughed.


"Okay, okay. So you're gay."

"Shh!" Stiles looked around.

"Obviously, you don't like me that way. So who is it?"


Asher laughed again, "Stiles, you must be crushing on someone to question your sexuality."

"It's.. Uh.." He didn't know if he should tell Asher. What if he just goes behind his back and tells everyone? Heck, he already knows Stiles is most likely gay.

Asher raised his eyebrows. "Or.. Did you just find gay porn online and liked it?"

"No. Nothing like that." Stiles blushed. To be honest, he had searched gay porn the night before. He had gotten frustrated when most of the stuff he found wasn't what he wanted to look at so he just dreamt about the young deputy in a lot of positions instead. He kind of felt guilty, but he figured it could be a guilty pleasure.

"Then who?"

Stiles sighed, "Jordan Parrish."

"Is he like a singer or someone?"

"No," Stiles laughed. He'd like to hear Jordan sing... "He's a deputy on the force."

"Ah, a deputy.." Asher smirked. "Uniforms are hot, aren't they?"

Stiles bit his lip and smiled. "Yeah."

"So, how did you meet the guy? Or haven't you?"

"My dad's the sheriff. So, I hang out at the station a lot."

"Dude, you have to take me there sometime. I wonder if I can score a police officer.."

"Score a po- Asher, have you ever had a one night stand?" Stiles laughed.

"Well, no, but I could. I mean, guys are always trying to get me in bed."

Stiles could tell Asher was joking. He bet Ash was probably a virgin. Talking big.

"You have any pictures of... What's his face?"

"No, that'd be weird. His name's Jordan Parrish. I can call him Jordan." Stiles smirked. He figured he was probably smiling like a doofus. He still liked saying Jordan's name out loud.

"And others can't?"

"Well, they can but he told me that I could."

Asher shook his head, "man. This guy's got you hooked on his fishing line. Just be careful okay? Make sure you're the fish and not the worm before you do anything."

"I don't want to be a fish or a worm," Stiles scrunched up his face.

Asher sighed, "you get what I mean."

"Yeah, thanks." Stiles smiled.

Stiles couldn't help but thinking: was it possible for him to be the fish?

It Ain't So Bad (Jordan Parrish x Stiles Stilinski)Where stories live. Discover now