Contest Spectacular Pt 1

Start from the beginning

An uneventful rest day passed before Eros had gotten the strength to transform again. Eros transformed into a Cleffa, not knowing how to diversify forms. He was exhausted from the transformation from last time, but he managed to eventually bring in the power to do it again. Transforming was nothing like using spells, as he had no idea where the energy welled up from. Rather, it's as if the world itself gave the power to him, and as he requested it, the very force of nature answered him.

But that's aside the point. Eros fell over, having to calibrate his body once more. He stood up a few seconds later, looking towards Hank. "So, what do I do?"

Hank smiled and pulled out a pokeball. "Remember, I don't understand Poke, and you can't speak English in public. In other words, you'll have to communicate just like any other Pokemon."

"But-" But just as Eros started to speak,  Hank tapped the pokeball to his head and captured him. All of a sudden, the world disappeared. He had a sense that he was contained and a force was closing around him, but at the same time, he could fight it. He decided not to; after all, he needed to be in a pokeball to enter the competition.

Suddenly, Eros' senses were opened to a muffled version of the world around him. He didn't feel as if he was physically in any certain space, but he still perceived the world in some way. He could see himself and some red glow all around him; As he looked around, he saw the world from in a distorted fashion, like being but through a camera in which everything bent outwards. There was also a visible red hue, as he was looking through the glass of the pokeball. Every other sense was blocked out, however, making the world silent, impalpable, tasteless and so on. Eros decided to notice what was going on outside the pokeball.

He looked. 'There's the city,' he thought. The streets were as they always were. He looked to the side and saw another pokeball, one with Pikachu in it. Did Surge see him? He waved at Surge. Surge turned a bit and waved back. This was better than walking, he thought. Woah, here comes a big flashy building. Spotlights shines up the sides, giving way to a massive sign that said, 'Welcome to the Contest Hall!' The initial part was smaller and placed on top of the latter two words, making it so that it also could be interpreted that the building was actually called Contest Hall. Outside were many violent fans, pushing and fighting one another to get to the front. Only now did Eros realize that the fans were trying to get to Hank, all eager to get his number or his autograph. A man of sorts was pushing these people away, stopping Hank from being nearly killed by the crowd.

As Hank walked in, Eros saw the place appear almost like a mall, having kiosks line around the front entrance selling contest themed gear: shirts, plastic toys, plush toys of both people and Pokemon, booklets... The list of overpriced shit was endless. Hank walked over to one of the front desks, which was protected by bouncers. That's not to say there weren't more bouncers keeping an eye on everything, but it almost seemed to divide the area into two just on the basis of their presence. After a bit of talking, Hank made it backstage to where the contestants normally prepare for the competition (Eros assumed this).

Backstage was completely different. This wasn't just any room backstage, this was reserved for only the most prestigious of contestants. Hank walked into a room with a star on it, the center of which had the words 'The Tank' printed in the center. The whole thing was closer to gold than yellow, but even the most amateur inspector could tell this to be foil, not a true priceless medal. Hank was greeted by a flock of attendants that made sure his every need was satisfied; One lady even offered to re-tie his sneakers then and there, although Eros couldn't hear this.

"Away with you," said Hank, leading all of the ladies to leave the room. Hank withdrew Eros' pokeball and let him out, which really only felt like jumping down the step of a building and into the outside air. Hank talked to Eros, "Ready for prep?"

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