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To: Britt, Grace, Maggie, Mercy, Maddie, Kellie, Cerina-
Do u all wanna come over to watch the game tonight?

From: Maggie-
Ya I'll come

From: Mercy-
Hell ya

From: Maddie-
Ok see ya soon

From: Brittany-
Duh! How could we not

From: Kellie-

From: Grace-
Of course lol I'm already at ur door

From: Cerina-
Okie dokie

I walk downstairs to let Grace in and we set up some blankets and pillows in the living room. We make some popcorn and grab sodas for everyone as they arrive. We all get comfortable and turn on the TV. The boys are in Boston and they come home tonight after the game. If we win tonight we win the series and will be ranked first for the AL East with a winning streak of 9 games.

By the ninth inning Chris is still pitching and is 1 out from a perfect game. Kellie has her hands crossed to her lips, her feet tapping on the floor. Chris pitches his signature slider leaving David Ortiz 0-2. Kellie moves farther to the edge of her seat and the rest of us sit up more, ready to celebrate. Chris lifts his knee, winding up and pitching. Strike. We all jump out of our seats screaming and hugging and cheering. I glance at the TV and all the boys have charged the mound making a dog pile with Archer at the bottom. His smile is huge and looks to be permanent. We all find our seats again and stare at the screen waiting for the interviews. Chris answers all his interview questions laughing, smiling, and having a good time. David and Kevin pick up the gatorade tubs dumping them all over Chris. "Kellie babe I'll be home soon" Chris says kissing the camera then running off with the boys. We all grin, looking at Kellie who is burrying her face in a pillow and squeeling.

•Kellie's POV•
I leave Sam's house about an hour after the boys board their plane. In other words they should be home in about 2-3 hours and I can't wait. I take a shower and slip into one of Chris' shirts. I pull out my phone seeing a text from Chris.
(C- Chris K- Kellie)
C- I'm on my way
K- Finally!! I missed you and GOOD JOB!!! I wish I could've been there :(
C- I know but don't worry we can celebrate tonight😏
K- Mmm idk 😳
C- Baby ik u want me
K- Ugh fine. You know the truth😘
C- Be there in 10

I lock my phone, putting it on charge, and heading downstairs. I get a drink, setting the glass in the sink when I hear the door open. I tiptoe out, sneaking behind Chris and jumping on his back. He swings me to his front immediately placing his lips on mine and beginning the walk upstairs.

•Sam POV•
Kevin stumbles through the door and I smell the alcohol as I step into arms. "Heyyyy" he slurs kissing my cheek. "Lets get you to bed" I laugh. He puts a lot of weight on me as I assist him up the stairs and help him out of his shirt. "But Samanthaaa" he whines pulling me onto his waist. "Kev you are sooo drunk. Goodnight" "Sam I love you so so much" "I love you too" "I wanna marry you" I freeze before continuing the conversation with this crazy/romantic drunk. "Ok" "We can have kids" "That'd be nice" "Like not 100 kids. I'd be a bad dad we can't have more then 2" "Kevin you'd be an amazing dad" "Ok you are probably right" "I am now you need sleep" "Why? Fuck sleep! I'm gonna be hungover either way!" "Yes but sleep will make it a little better" "I don't care! I wanna make love" he pouts and I roll my eyes and tell him no. He lays me down, switching our usual roles, as he lays his head on my chest and I put my arm around his waist. "Night Kevin I love you" "Nighty night" he mumbles scooting closer and tangling our legs.

technicallyyyyy double update but whos counting lol


going to get my 3rd free slurpee in a little bit lol they have a sour patch kids one IT IS SOOOOO GOOD i have problems

and the rays won again HOLLA lol

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