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"So where are we going again?" I ask Kevin as we walk to his car. "A party. It's with all my teammates and their girlfriends so be nice" he says winking at me. God. He's so fucking hot. "Ok I promise dad" "Did you just call me dad?" Shit. "As a joke, chill" "Will do, babe." He just called me babe. Are we a thing. The man I love just called me babe. "You're cute when you blush." "Watch the road" "Don't tell me what to do." "Why not?" "I don't know" "Good now watch the road." "Anything for you" he says placing his hand on my thigh. I shiver at his touch. I look over at him and I see him smiling and he looks at me. "Lets play a game" he suggests making a sharp turn. "Sorry I forgot where we were for a second. Now... 20 questions?" "Um ya why not. You first." "Ok. How old are you?" "19. And you?" I ask already knowing the answer. "25" and I hear him mutter something about having a chance. "What's your favorite sport?" "Baseball. What's your favorite food?" "Tacos or burritos. Where are you from?" "Florida. And you?" I ask, again, already knowing the answer.
"Indiana. Do you have siblings?" "One little brother. Why do you have this crappy car?" "Samantha now that offends me. This is my baby, rule one you DO NOT make fun of my baby." "Kevin. It is a green Grand Caravan. Why not atleast a truck?" "We are done with this question. Are you a virgin?" "Um- ya are you?" I ask hestitantly. "I am. Don't wanna waste something that special on someone you don't love right?" "Right." "Ok we arreeee...here." I step out of his car and he greets me on my side. He takes my hand and starts to walk up to the house. I hear music playing and I see a drunk Steven Souza stumble out of the house. "Heyyy Kevinnn" he slurs. "Hey man" he answers stepping inside. The whole team is here and they all seem to have a girl hanging on them. I feel Kevin tighten his grip on my hand and guide me away from the crowded entrance. "Stay here and don't move please. I'm gonna go find us some food." He sits me on a sofa and walks away. A girl about my age walks up carrying a solo cup and sits next to me. She has red highlights and is wearing a Rays snapback. "Hi I'm Mercy I'm Steven's girlfriend. And you are?" "I'm Samantha and I'm here with Kevin but I'm not like WITH Kevin." "Kevin actually brought someone?! Good for him" she says laughing. "He's never brought a girl let alone come to our parties. He must like you?" she says like a question. "Um no I doubt that we legit just met like 3 hours ago." "Woah girl he REALLY likes you. He-" she starts but Kevin walks up carrying two plates with pizza. "M stop scaring her." He says sitting between me and her. "I'm not I was just leaving" she says and as she walks away she stands behind Kevin and makes a heart with her hands then walks away. What have I gotten myself into. "So um I know it's been like 3 hours Samantha but uh I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend?" he stutters out looking crazy nervous. "Of course" I answer leaning my head on his chest. He wraps his arm around my waist and lays his head on mine. "You're my princess Samantha." he mumbles. I giggle and look up at him. "Kevin you've only known me for 3 hours." "But you're beautiful and funny and sweet and you're mine." and with that he leans back against the sofa and I get comfortable in his arms. "'Night babe" he says and kisses the top of my head. "'Night Kev." and we fall asleep to loud music and drunken figures.

So not at 15 votes, but I'm just too excited about this book and my kevin feels rn are so strong. I think this book is gonna be my cause of death. You shall find me in a puddle of feels tomorrow. So we met fandomlover45 , the rest of you are gonna come in either the next chapter or the next, im debating how I want you guys introduced. Oh and probably next update Saturdayish.

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