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"Hey girl, I'm just a small town run around
I get my kicks out on the outskirts of town
I could never do it like a pretty city boy
I'm more a fishin' in the dark nitty gritty boy" -Canaan Smith, Love You Like That

"We haven't been on a real date..." Kevin starts looking at me from the other side of the room. "No, no we haven't" "Well get dressed. We are going on a date." "What. Kevin. You don't just say that. You gotta plan something and warn me. What are we even gonna do this last minute?" "One. I have been planning this I just forgot to tell you. Two. We are going spear fishing. Now get ready." "Spear fishing? Can't we just fish like normal people?" "Samantha. I am part time MLB star, part time proffesional spear fishermen. No, we can not fish like normal people." "Fine. Where's your warm-up hoodie?" I ask turning towards him and he already has it ready for me. "You know me too well" "I know you better. Check the pockets." I reach in the pockets and pull out Sour Patch Kids and a note reading "I love you!" with a heart, signed Kevin. "Thank you" I whisper and I kiss his lips. "Anything for you now lets go the boat leaves with or without us in 20 minutes."

-After fishing-

"I feel so nasty" I mutter walking inside. "You smell nasty" Kevin jokes. "Well I wouldn't if you would've saved me from flying fish guts" "I didn't know!" "Mmhmm sure. I'm taking a shower and no you may NOT join me. Punishment sucks don't it?" "Damn aren't you harsh" "Shut up" and I go upstairs and shower. I finish and go under the sink to find out I am out of necessities at this horrid time of the month. Great. I get dressed going downstairs and grabbing the car keys. "Babe I'm running to the store need anything?" "No but I wanna come so hold on." He pulls on a shirt over his wet hair from his shower. "Really? Do you have to?" "Yes. I don't want boys looking at you" "I'm just gonna go. I only need a few things. I'll be back" I go to walk out when he stops me pulling me into a hug. "Baby girl you've been moody all day I know what's wrong and you don't need to hide. I'm coming now lets go" he says. I kiss him then turn around walking to the car. We get to Target and get my things then I go to leave. "What no candy?" he says. This guy. I walk back to him and he leads us to the candy section. He takes our cart and fills it almost to the top with Sour Patch Kids and one bag of Swedish Fish. I raise my eyebrows with a questioning look. "For maggie." he says and I laugh jumping on the end of the cart. He runs down the aisle nearly flipping the cart at the turn. "Woah slow down you're gonna kill me" I joke and he slows down. When we get to the register the cashier guy laughs at our items. Kevin tells him to stop which only makes him laugh more. I hide behind Kevin, embarassed, and Kevin starts to yell. "DONT FUCKING LAUGH. I BET YOU DONT HAVE A GIRLFRIEND BECAUSE IF YOU DID YOU WOULDNT BE LAUGHING. WHAT ARE YOU 14?!? OH WAIT YOU'RE NOT. NO. YOU ARE A 30 YEAR OLD ASSHOLE WHO LIVES IN HIS MOMMAS BASEMENT!" and with that he takes the cart and my hand storming off. "Thank you" I mutter with my head down. "Baby don't you worry what people say I love you and you are a princess so fuck everyone!" he says trying to make me laugh. He suceeds and he knows it as he takes me under his arm. When we get home he carries everything in. After going to the bathroom and getting in PJs I go to Kevin's room in search of a new hoodie that smells like him. I walk in and he has all the candy on the bed, the TV turned to the Giants game, and he is laying there. I go over to the bed and he envelopes me in his arms. "I love you Sam" "Love you too Kev" and we spend the rest of the night cuddling and eating Sour Patch Kids.

Unpredictableحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن