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"Wait are you serious?!" I ask eyes wide looking past the magazine to Kevin. "Yes!! Please babe I hate dressing up and I know you do too" "Well ya but it's our wedding it's the only day we ever have to dress up" "We will be!! They make fancy ones!" "No babe you're wearing a tux" I toss the magazine to the side laughing. Leave it to him to find a onesie that looks like a tux.

"Ok so we have hot dogs, burgers, nachos, what else?" I ask a half asleep Kevin. "Babe wake up we need to plan this" I smack his chest as he jumps and sits up. "Okok um...can we have icecream instead of cake?" "Of course and did you find a tux yet?" I nod at the magazine he was using to cover his eyes to sleep. "Um nope none of the imterested me" "If you're not gonna try I'm going to send Richie out with you and you know he's going to make you try on every single one" "Please don't" he begs and takes the magazine flipping through it.

A few hours later Kevin has a tux, I have a dress, the food is ordered, and the Trop is booked just for us. All we have left is sending invitations which won't be hard since it's just the Rays and Giants team and his family. "Sure you don't want to invite your parents?" he asks and I nod before crawling into his lap and laying on his chest. "I just don't want you to regret it after babe I don't mean to push it on you" he whispers playing with my hair. "I know" I say then look up at him and ask what I've been waiting to ask. "Do you think your dad would walk me down the aisle?" I know I say it too quiet to hear but Kevin has his way of hearing and pulls me up closer to his face and hugging me tighter. "I'm sure he'd love to I can ask him tomorrow if you're sure" "I am, thank you" "Anything for you princess."

I wake up to my phone ringing and quickly answer it with a small hello? "Hey babe I'm on my way" Kevin says and I can hear the smile in his voice. "Ok how was practice?" "It was good but go back to sleep babe your pillow will be home in a minute" I giggle before answering asking how he knew. "You sound like you've been sleeping for 100 years" he laughs and I smile curling back up on the sofa. So much for finishing those invitations. "See you in a minute princess" he hangs up and he walks in not even a minute later walking right to me and sitting down, placing my head in his lap. "Well I'm glad you have your priorities straight" he laughs picking up the 2 invitations I have done. "Hey Grace and Jake are the only ones we need" I mumble. "Did you find her a maid of honor dress yet?" "No she can wear a sundress for all I care. How about you? Find Jake his best man tux yet?" "No but he can come with me when I pick mine up and he can find his" "Mkay" I trail off and close my eyes letting Kevin finish the invitations I failed to do.

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