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"KEVINNNN!!!" I yell pulling on my Posey t-shirt. "WHATTT!!!" he yells right behind me. "Oh sorry I thought you were downstairs. I'm going to the mall with Kellie and Mercy and Brittany and ya you know the squad." "Ok can I have the boys over?" I laugh at his question placing my hands on his shoulders. "Kevin. It's your house do what you want." "Oh ya!" he says lighting up. "Bye babe I love you" I say kissing him then grabbing my phone and heading to the car. I pick up Grace on the way and we meet the other girls at the mall. We hit American Eagle and Sports Fanatic before we hit the music store. Me and Grace find the Twenty One Pilots CD while the others split up for their music preferences. We all purchase our new music then head to Victorias Secret. Oh boy. The time spent in that store was indescribable. The entire time we were messing around, embarassing eachother, and it ended in us all agreeing on a new "outfit" for our man. An outfit I hope to never wear.

We finally make our way to the food court getting Chick Fil A and sitting down. Only minutes into our meal we hear shouting and turn around to see the boys running through the mall like 5 year olds. They see us and run at us pulling up chairs and diving into our food. "HEY!!" we yell slapping their hands away. Kevin puts one of his hands on my thigh and I give him my fries which he eats with his other. We all split up and me and Kevin buy him some new outfits. He drags me into Brookstone and plops himself into a massage chair. I pull out my phone and he poses for the picture. I post it on Twitter captioning it

Hanging with this loser! I love you!!! @KKiermaier39

After we all finish we meet at our cars and decide to stop at home to drop off our bags then go to the movies to see Pitch Perfect 2. The movie theater we go to has leather reclining seats that are quite large so once the boys take their seats they pull us girls into the chair with them. About halfway into the movie i feel my eyes closing and Kevin kisses my forhead. "Sleep tight beautiful" he whispers then rubs my back until I find myself asleep.

I moan, looking up, and rubbing my eyes. "Hey Sam" I hear Kevin say. I hear the TV and my head is on his chest, his arm around me. "How did I get here?" "You fell asleep at the movie and I drove you home" "While I was asleep?" "Ya babe" "Thank you" "No problem." I sit up a little leaning into Kevin and we watch a few more episodes of Pretty Little Liars. Eventually Kevin falls asleep and I kiss his cheek before closing my eyes and falling asleep again.

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