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"She sits at home with the lights out, seeing life in different colors, I think it's time that we wake up, so let me take you away" ~Unpredictable

Oh my god. He's so close to me. I- shit. "I'm so sorry" I mutter looking up at the person who caught me. I just tripped over a wire into a strangers arms. I'm so awkward. I- it's Kevin. "Don't be sorry. Not your fault they have wires everywhere." "Oh ya um- thanks for catching me." I say trying to keep my cool. I'm socially awkward but when it comes to Kevin I can flip some shit. "No problem. Anything for a beautiful girl like you. Are you ok? Not hurt or anything?" He just called me beautiful. "I'm fine and thanks...you aren't too bad yourself." He laughs. Damnit Samantha "you aren't too bad yourself" what are you thinking. That was your chance. You could've- "So do you?" he asks me for what seems to be a second or third time. "Definetly" I answer smiling. "Great I'll meet you right here at 6 and I'll drive us there." "Sounds good" Wait Samantha. What sounds good you don't know what you're doing. I am stopped from my thoughts when I feel his lips brush my ear as he walks away. "See ya later beautiful."

I think I just killed myself...but first chapter what do you think? I'm pumped for this book I got big plans and I've been working on my writing skills bc lets be honest I suck at writing. Please comment what you think. How bout 15 votes and double update? prob not gonna happen so works good for me.

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