“Marciano?” He looked at her lips. He couldn’t resist himself he wanted to kiss her so bad. He leaned in to kiss her but stopped. She was just crying. She trusted him when she was variable. He couldn’t take advantage of her like this.

“I’m sorry-.” Camilla pulled his shoulder down and kissed him herself. Marciano stood their shocked for a second then kissed her back. He didn’t press the kiss but just let her be dominate in it. He wanted her. Any fool would but he wanted her because it’s her. She’s an amazing girl that drove him crazy! Camilla broke off the kiss then blushed.

“I umm hope you don’t mind that I kissed you.”

“I don’t.”

“Good because I really wanted to and couldn’t help it.” She blushed but looked him in the eyes daring him to say she couldn’t do that again.

“I don’t think I could resist kissing you anymore Camilla. I want you and kissing is enough. But right now I don’t want you to kiss me. I don’t want you to kiss me because your grateful or feel obligated-.”

“I wanted to kiss you for a long time Marciano. But when you hold me close I just can’t resist anymore.”

He shook his head.

“I’m glad I’m not the only one feeling it.” They looked at each other for a few more seconds then went back into the house and back to their seats at the table. Everyone was quiet for a second then Bernardo came over and hugged her.

“We will talk about pleasant things yes?”

“Of course, so what kind of movies do you all like?” Everyone started to talk again and this time they were open with her. Pulling her in the conversations. She laughed and joked with them back. They kept pilling food on her plate and she tried to keep eating it. But soon she couldn’t. She put sat there and listened to their conversations.

She covered her smile when Marciano started fighting with his brother Mauro for some food. Camilla loved this. She loved the life, and she loved the family. They were such a close knit family. Camilla wished she could stay with them forever but this would end soon.

“You don’t like the food?” Camilla looked over to Bruna

“I like it.”

“You’re not eating it.”

“I’m not used to eating so much food is all.”

“You’re just making excuses. You’re lying to my parents face about their food. When you cant eact it.” Camilla smoothed out her skirt as she sat their watching Bruna.

“I know it’s not my place to point this out but your acting like a kid, You know perfectly well that Ive enjoyed this meal and you seem to just be making problems.”

“Don’t get to comfortable no one wants you here.” Camilla gave her a slight smile.

“That’s completely understandable. I am a stranger.”

“Bruna! My English is not good. But I am sorry for Bruna.”

“That’s okay Mr. Morrit- I mean Bernardo.” There was an awkward silence but Nardo spoke up.

“Umm so what was your favorite dish?”

“We’ll all the food was amazing but I really loved the tiramisu.” Marciano smugly smiled.

“I knew you’d like that.” She blushed but nodded. Camilla saw Nardo stare at her plate.

“Do you want the rest of my food Nardo?”

It Happened In Vegas (Marciano & Camilla)Where stories live. Discover now