Chapter 15~Hangover

Start from the beginning

"You coming?" John asked.

"No, you go ahead. I'm right behind you." I said, still staring at it. John shrugged and left me alone. The thing I was staring at was a patch of writing on the wall. It was written in the code that Moriarty's network used. I stepped closer, reading it. Have you figured it out yet? It read. I narrowed my eyes. I heard footsteps approach behind me. I whipped my head up. Ten burly men dressed in black suits were surrounding me. I rose to a stand and spread my feet apart, preparing for an attack. They all had short haircuts, with cleanly shaven faces. I glanced down at their shoes. Heavy duty boots. They weren't office workers. I inspected their jackets. Five of them were armed. I instinctively reached for my gun, when I realized that I hadn't brought it. I cursed in my head. They stood in a semicircle around me, their hands clasped in front of them.

"What do you want?" I demanded. Their faces were blank.

"Miss Jax, you're coming with us." One of the men said in a hard voice. I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, really?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips. "Says who?"

"Jim Moriarty." He answered. My face went blank, my heart skipping.

"What." I snapped. Three of them stepped forward.

"Jim Moriarty requests your presence." He said.

"Well, I'm disinclined to acquiesce to his request." I snapped, my hands clenching into fists.

"That means no." I said with a sarcastic smile. They took another step forward.

"We have been instructed to not leave here without you." Another man informed me.

"Well, he's about to be sorely disappointed." I said, springing into action. I grabbed one arm of each man and yanked on them, causing them to fall towards and head butt each other. I landed a solid kick to another mans chin, making him stagger back. Two men grabbed my arms from behind as two more rushed towards me. I used their own weight to kick both my legs forward. They stumbled back, clutching at their noses. I brought my heel down on one mans foot and elbowed the other in the face. They lost their grip and I struggled out of their arms. There's too many of them. I turned and ran. I could hear them following behind me. This is bad. Really bad. I thought. Why would they wait to confront me until I was alone and in an unusual place? They could've kidnapped me while I was asleep in the flat. Oh, of course. He doesn't want it traced it back to him. He wants me to disappear without any leads. I have to get out of this building and in front of a crowd of people. I raced down the hallway, the men right on my tail. I cannot let them catch me. My brain racked through the floor plan of the building. There aren't any exits nearby. I'm going to be cut off. A reckless, stupid, and self-destructive idea popped into my head. I turned my head briefly to look at one of the windows. I'm about forty feet up. The lake on the side of the building would work nicely. I would rather take my chances there than with Jim. I turned and ran in the direction of one of the windows. The men behind me caught into what I was doing.

"No! Wait!" They shouted. I raised my arms and broke through the glass of the window. I hoped to God that the water was over ten feet in the lake. The glass cut into my skin, and then there was nothing but air under me. I tumbled through the air, the wind whistling through my ears. I heard people screaming my name as I sailed towards the ground. At the last second, I straightened my legs and put my arms by my sides. Hitting the water was like hitting a wall. The water rushed up my nose and I resisted the urge to take a deep breath. The water blocked out the sound and bubbles obstructed my vision. My feet hit the bottom of the lake and I pushed myself up, swimming to the surface. I gasped and choked when my head popped out of the water. I swam over to the edge and tried to get the water out of my nose. When I looked up, I saw a group of people rushing towards me. Sherlock and John knelt down by me. Their faces were masks of horror, and I knew that I had scared the absolute hell out of them.

"Are you alright?" John asked as they hoisted me out of the water. I looked up at the window that I had jumped out of. The men were nowhere in sight.

"Yeah, fine. But we have to get out of here." I said, racing back to the car. They followed me.

"What the hell was that?" Sherlock asked.

"Moriarty's men. They're after me." I said, getting into the car. John leaned his head back on the seat. He exhaled deeply.

"Jesus, Jax." He mumbled. "You scared us to death." I ran a hand through my soaking wet hair.

"Sorry." I attempted.

"Sorry? You just jumped out of a four story window!" Sherlock said.

"I know, I was there." I replied. Once back at the flat, we all gathered in the living room.

"Why did he wait for you to be alone in a desolate building?" Sherlock asked, half talking to himself.

"He doesn't want this traced back to him." I replied, drying my hair with a towel.

"You think he'll try to take you again?" John asked.

"I highly doubt it. Now that he knows that we know he tried and failed, he won't make a second attempt." I explained. Sherlock narrowed his eyes.

"You certainly know him very well." He said. "You even risked your chances out of a four story window than be captured by him." There was a pause.

"He's a dangerous man, Sherlock." I said simply. After a while of silence, we just started laughing.

"You are crazy." John said in-between laughs.

"Absolutely insane." I answered.

"There's something wrong with you." Sherlock said, still laughing.

"It's just a matter of time before they add the word "Syndrome" after my name." I said.

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