Chapter 31

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Ashley's POV

"What about it..?" I asked.

"I like it." He smirked as he dropped my hand and ran off leaving me once again, speachless.

"So the meet and greets in a few hours and we were thinking about filming a video in the gym area of us all playing basketball? You in?"Cam asked me.

"Duhhh! But did you invite the other girls?" I asked suggesting to the guys girlfriends.

"Oh you didnt hear? They only could stay one night so the guys can focus on the career?" Cam smiled.

"They why are me and shay here?"

"Apprantly Bart found you two so entertaining today he mentioned something about a contract?"

"No way!" I smiled.

"Welcome to magcon sis!" He laughed.

I ran to tell shay as we walked back to our room together.

"Thats so cool!" She exclaimed.

We got dressed in matching blck nike pro shorts and we eat had exercise tanktops on. We walked down to the gym.

I heard a whistle, followed by a howl, followed by taylor shouting, "BABY GOT BACKKK!" and shay and I just laughed.

"Aye watch it on my sister dudes." Cam laughed.

Hayes came dribbling the ball and I met him at half court.

"Aye bring it boi" I smirked trying to sound gangster.

"You sure?" He said sounding confident.

I nodded as he went to make a half court shot. I jumped up, knocked the ball out of his hands and dribbled it away from him. I passed it to shay to dribbled father down the court and passed it back to me, as I did an ally-oop and made a clean swoosh.

Shay and ran up to eachother and chest bumped and ended up laughinb really hard.

"Where the fuck did you learn to do that!?!" Hayes yelled sounding astonished.

"Eh, I had an older brother who taught me well." I smirked

"BURRNNNN!" Nash yelled smacking hayes in the back of the head.

We all laughed and continued messing around until it was almost time for us to all go to the meet and greet.

"Im gonna go change back into my normal clothes before the m&g. Bye guys!" I said waving.

"Ill be up soon!" Shay smiled.

"Wait I'll walk you." Hayes yelled running up to me and grabbing my hand causing me to blush.

"You know you dont have to?" I said as we walked down the hallway towards the elavator.

"I wanted to.." he smiled.

"Okay I guess."

We entered the elavator and I pressed my floor button.

"Ashley?" Hayes said to get my attention.


I was cut off by him pressing his plump lips to mine again. His hand went to the small of my back as mune went to his neck pulling us closer.

His tongue slid on my bottom lip which I granted gladly. Then, suddenly the elavator doors opened and a bunch of screams filled my eyes and tons of flashes went off.

"Shit.." hayes mumbled grabbing my hand as he started to pull me towards my hotel room and through the crowd of girls.

We managed to get inside and dead bolt the door. Hayes called the front desk and secruity said they were on their way.

"Well I need to change.." I sighed walking into the bathroom.

"Can I watch?" Hayes winked.

"Perv." I remarked back.

I changed back into my outfit from before and walked out to see hayes looking down at my phone.

"Hey! Gimme that!" I said snatching it and looking down to see what he was looking at.

My Twitter had a bunch of pictures f the elavtor insident and I had a text from cameron.

"Youre dead. Jk. Im not that mad. Just dont get hayes herpes.(;" it read.

I texted him back "lol okay nerd."

"Hey ash? Shay came in and got clothes and went to nash and I's room so I think we should head down.." hayes yelled through my door while knocking on it.

"Im nervous.." I said as we walked out of the room.

"They'll love you.." he said kissing my cheek.

I hope.


ugh, Im so bad at updating sorry..
Anyways I love you all and even though this chapter was boring I promise the story will pick up. Soon!
Thank you all for reading I love you all, mwahhh!


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