Chapter 20

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[[[[[fast forward to the airport]]]]]

Ashley's POV

The drive here was short mostly because I was asleep on Hayes' shoulder the whole time. We checked into the airport and I became nervous. This was my first time flying. We then went to wait for our flight to be called. After sitting for about 15 minutes it was anouced over an intercom.

We boarded the plane and my leg started to shake as my ADD kicked in. I ended up sitting next to hayes on the window side while Shay, Cameron, and Nash share a middle section.

"Ummm....Hayes..." I said nervously.

"Ashley why do you seem so uneasy?" I asked worried.

"Can I be honest?"

"Of course!"

"Ive never been on a plane ever..." I stuttered.

"It will be fine I promise! The take off is kinda bumby but just look at me, I'm here for you." He smiled as he intertwined his fingers with mine.

The flight attendant said something about seatbelts and the flight but I was really listening. I buckled up and gripped Hayes' hand as I fekt the plane start to take off.

"Ashley....Ashley, hey just look at me!" Hayed smiled.

I bit my lip and burried my head into his shoulder. Then not even a minute later the plane evened out and I felt more relaxed.

"Thank you..." I trailed off.

"I told you I would help you!" He laughed.

I just smiled and put in my headphones while leaning mybhead on his shoulder. Within the next five minutes I had fallen back into a deeo sleep, since I hadnt slept much the night before.


Ashley's POV

"Ash wake up! We're landing soon!" Hayes yawned as he gently shook me.

Once the plane had landed we all exited it. We went to the baggage claim and got our bags. Then we noticed a chauffeur with a sign that read 'Dallas, Greir, Greene, Benson!'

"Well that's our ride!" Nash smiled.

Two gentleman approached us and took our bags.

"Geez we got personal security like zayum!" Nash said.

"My legs hurt!" I complained.

"Here, hop on my back!" Hayes chuckled and squat down.

I jumped on hus back and wrapped my arms around his neck while giggling like crazy.

"SUPPERR HAYEEEESSSS!!!!" He yelled running towards the limo waiting for us outside.

We all got in and the driver greated us and smiled.

"Its only about a seven minute drive so dont worry!" He laughed politely.

We all had small talk about how Nash and Cam annoyed Shay the whole flight. Five very short minutes later we pulled up in front of a huge, fancy, hotel!

"Woah." I heard Shay whisper.

We got out of limo and grabbed our bags.

"C'mon guys everyone's in the lobby waiting, Matt texted me!" Cameron said.

As we walked inside we got ambushed in a giant group hug and screams. A bunch of boys and girls names were screamed and hellos were said.

"Hi!!!! Its nice to meet you!! My names Kiley" A girl with straight brown hair, that was gorgeous smiled at me .

"I'm Ashley! Cameron's new step-sister!"

"I know who you are! I've been excited to meet you and your friend Shay! Bart told me there would be other girls here and I got excited because I like meeting new people! Oh let me introduce you to everyone!" Kiley laughed.

"This is Taylor and his girlfriend Paige." She said pointing at a boy wearing a bandana who was holding hands with a stylish girl who was stunning.

"Isabelle and Jack Gilinsky..." she said gesturing towards a tall boy with large muscle who had his arms around a thin girl with long black hair.

"Jack Johnson and Haley..." she smiled while pointing at a short blonde boy who was hugging a girl even shorter than him who had thin, and short blonde hair.

"Sam and Morgan," gesturing at a blonde haired boy with deep dimples, who was kissing a girl with twinkling eyes and blonde thin hair.

"And thats Aaron and Shawn." She smiled pointing at a short boy with hair in his face, and the other who was tall and has a hint of pink in his cheeks with a guitar by his luggage near him.

"Over there is Jacob talking to my friend Mahogany.." she smiled while waving at them. He was REALLY tall, and has a small black quiff, while she had red hair that was curly and frizzy.

"Oh and thats Carter talking to Dillon!" Pointing at an asain looking boy who was dressed somewhat like Justin Beiber, and a boy with brown hair in a quiff.

All of a sudden a boy with blonde hair and a goofy smile came up behind Kiley and wrapped his arms around her.

"Oh and I'm Matthew, but you can call me t-rex, or Matt....either one." He joked kissing Kiley's cheek making her giggle.

"Well now you've seen everyone! Bart should be downstairs in a-" Kiley was cut off when a man walked into the lobby and smiled saying,

"HELLOOOO EVERYONE!" Making people all scream 'Hi!' Or 'Hello!' Back to him.

"I want to introduce our two new guests!" He smiled and looked right at Shay and I.

Okay, here we go! I thought as I started walking towards him.



Okay sorry for typos im exhausted and should be asleep rn so Im going to bed. Ill edit the errors tomorrow but I hoped you liked it anyways! I love you all!!! Thanks for reading comment and vote maybe? Mwahhhhh!!!!


Step brother? |hayes grier|Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat