Chapter 30

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Ashley's POV

As soon as Shay and I had finished the song we both smiled at eachother. The girls in the crowd went nuts.

All of a sudden my phone was blowing up and people were tweeting '#shayandashley' it was already trending I guess.

Cameron leaned over to my ear smiling. "Wow." Was all he managed to say.

"...Um since that performance was so amazing... and all the guys seem to be distracted.. how about we do a q&a to get their minds off stuff." Shay said.

"Sounds good," Nash smiled at her.

Tweets started flowing in,

"Hey nash are you still single?" One of the tweets read.

"Not for long." He replied winking at Shay.

"Cam, your new sisters gross." I read that one aloud and burst out laughing.

"Ashley?" Cam asked looking confused.

"Oh, shes funny." I said whiping a tear from my eye that was caused by my laughter.

"Shawn, will you write a song with Shay and Ashley?" Someone else tweeted.

"I dont see why not?" He smiled at us.

"Hayes, have you ever kissed anyone." One tweet read, and I felt my cheeks heatinh up.

"Yes." He replied looking at me.

Hundreds of tweets started flooding in "Who?!" "WHATS HER NAME?" and stuff like that.

"Uhhh... Im probably gonna get pummeled by answering this...but uhh.. it was... uhh... Ashley" He replied scratching his neck.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Cam screamed.
The hundreds of fans in the audience started screaming. I couldnt tell if it was good or bad sadly.

I burried my face in my hands to hide the scarlet red color that had obviously filled my cheeks.

"Heh.. um.. sorry Cam?" Hayes said shrugging.

"You Little Mr....You, are getting the older brother talk after this show. Hurt her, you die." Cam chuckled pointing his finger at Hayes.

I looked up at the screen where the tweets were and now next to the trending '#shayandashley' was '#Hashley'

I couldnt help but start laughing really hard at the thought of that name.

"Uhh.. Ashley.. why are you laughing?" Taylor asked me

" sounds... like...h.. hashbrowns.." I managed to say in between fits of giggles.

"Welllll.....I think thats enough for the Q&A.. Party tiiimmeee" Tay shouted.

He pressed a button and the song 'lipgloss' started playing.


She stood in the middle of the stage. She criss-crossed her feet, then did a body roll. Soon all the other boys joined in and the fans seemed to love it.

After dancing to a few more songs everyone was out of breath, and hungry, so we decided that was enough for the day.

"Bye guys! Thanks for coming. OH! and the meet&greet is at 5 today in the plaza! See some of you later!" Carter smiled at the fans as we all tan off the stage.

I had been walking to catch up with Cameron when I felt a tug on my wrist that pulled me back.

I turned around and saw Hayes who moved his hand from my wrist, into my hand. He was blushing slightly at our touch so I smiled to let him know it was okay.

"Soo... Hashley huh.." he started.

Here we go..

Authors note-

I hope you guys like it so far!
Be sure to leave your feedback and maybe vote! I love you all and thanks for reading! Mwahhhhh!

Qoft: favorite type of pie?

Step brother? |hayes grier|Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant