❄ 11 ❄️ Vampires Are Real ❄️

Start from the beginning

She whirled around and dashed back into the kitchen, the doors flapping shut behind her. She looked around the room frantically, scouting for a place to hide. Spotting the exit door situated across from the kitchen doors, Wren raced towards it, hope to blossom inside her veins like hot chocolate on a cold winter's night. As she reached the door, her hand shot out to twist the big brass handle. Her heart sank into the pit of her stomach upon finding the door locked.

Spying the bronze plaque mounted on the tiled wall beside the door, she read the curly script quickly: In case of an emergency, please contact the head member of the kitchen immediately. Silently cursing her luck to herself, she whirled about in search of a hidden exit. She froze upon seeing the man, no creature because she now knew that he wasn't human, leaning against the door frame of the only exit, regarding her with irritated amusement.

"Silly little human." he crooned in a rough, sickeningly sweet voice as he pushed away from the door. "You cannot escape me."

Wren could feel anger rising inside of her at the word "little". She straightened to her full 5'6'' height and glared at him with flashing ice blue eyes.

"Who are you calling little?" she hissed in response to his frightening words.

He blinked his dark red eyes suddenly in surprise and then studied her intensely. A few seconds ticked by as they both continued to stare at one another, and then his expression changed, the sadistic smile returning to his face.

"A feisty little thing, are we now?" he spoke in a seductive purr. "Maybe I won't kill you today. You could be my feisty little pet for now."

He began to creep towards her slowly, his nostrils flaring as he inhaled deeply, his ruby red eyes bleaching to a deep, coal-black color, turning wild with a mixture of desire and something else and she could not name. Fear quickly replaced the anger coursing through her veins, numbing her mind, and immobilizing her body. He lunged towards her suddenly and she braced herself for the impact. It never came. Wren opened her eyes slowly, having closed them upon seeing his blurred movements. She blinked in complete surprise at what she was seeing.

Everything seemed to have stopped suddenly. She watched in confused fascination as the creature came towards her in an increasingly slow rate. It seems as if he's moving in slow motion, she thought to herself, becoming even more confused. Suddenly, Wren felt a stirring at the core of her being. It was a strange yet hauntingly familiar feeling.

She reached out to it with her entire being, letting the warm, homely feeling accumulate inside her chest. Time sped up suddenly and she knew what to do. With lightning speed, she raced to the left-hand side of the kitchen just seconds before the creature could collide with her. He stopped in the place where Wren had been standing just seconds before and turned towards her slowly, his coal-black eyes wide with surprise, awe, bewilderment, and anger. In the seconds that they stared at each other, something clicked into place at the back of her mind and suddenly she knew what he was.

Vampire: A person who was bitten by another vampire, whose venom spreads throughout the body, burning away all human traits for three excruciatingly pain-filled days and then awakened to a new, undead life. Vampires are known to be Creatures of the Night or Dark. There are many ways one could recognize a vampire from a human: Vampires are inhumanly pale and beautiful and have supernatural senses and reflexes. They are extremely fast and unbelievably strong. Their scent is inhumanly sweet and their skin as hard as marble. They are very dangerous predators and they only hunt one thing: humans. Their eyes are the very color of their prey's lifeblood - ruby red.

❄ Twilight Forever ❄ Book 1 ❄ Cold Fall ❄Where stories live. Discover now